
How much sale fees will rise at NRLX

STAKEHOLDERS to be consulted as Richmond Valley Council considers two NRLX fee increase options.

FEE INCREASES: Richmond Valley Council plans to raise agent and seller fees for the NRLX in Casino. Photo: Susanna Freymark
FEE INCREASES: Richmond Valley Council plans to raise agent and seller fees for the NRLX in Casino. Photo: Susanna Freymark

AS FARMERS recover from the recent crippling drought, Richmond Valley Council has announced plans to increase fees for agents and sellers fees at the Casino saleyards.

The council revealed the potential fee increases in the draft operational plan 2020/21, which is currently on public exhibition until June 16.

As part of the new budget, the council is considering two fee structures for sale fees at the NRLX, which will see fees increase by approximately three per cent for the coming financial year.

According to the document, the first option is based on the current fee structure and will see various percentage increases around 3 per cent, with future increases to be applied at 3 per cent per annum.

Under this option vendor usage fees will rise from $10.80 to $11.10 per head of cattle, while vendor usage fees for bull and stud sales will rise from $20 to $20.60 per head.

The vendor capital works levy will rise from $2.05 to $2.10 per head, and a new live streaming auction fee for $2 per head will be added.

For agents, the business licence fee will increase from $10,500 to $10,800 per annum, with the agents business usage fee to rise from 75 cents to $1 per head, while the agents business usage fee for bull and stud sales will increase from $2 to $2.10 per head.

Option two is to shift to a scaled vendor fee structure based on the price cattle are sold for rather than fixed fees.

According to the council documents, the aim of this is to “better reflect the relative value of the stock against the vendor fee payable”.

The fee pricing structure per head of cattle would be as follows:

•Cattle sold for $300 or less – $6

•Cattle sold for $300.01 to $600 – $9

•Cattle sold for $600.01 to $900 – $11.25

•Cattle sold for $900.01 to $1,200 – $13.50

•Cattle sold for $1,200.01 or more – $15.50

The second option also sees the sale fee for the bull sales on Wednesday and Friday become $20 per head, while the vendor capital levy would be fixed at $2.05 per head and the live streaming fee would be $2 per head for a three-year period.

Under this option, the agents business fees are the same as per option one, with the intent of the fee structure to set fees and agent licence permits for a three-year period.

The council previously established a fee freeze for the current financial year to provide financial relief for producers who were forced to reduce their herds during the drought.

The council said it will consult stakeholders and consider feedback received on the options for the NRLX fee structure during the public exhibition period, with council to adopt the preferred option at its June ordinary meeting.

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