
High-tech pump to help put out tip fire

SPECIALIST firefighters are using a massive pump last used in the 2017 floods to help saturate smouldering compost fire.

BIG GUNS: Fire & Rescue NSW have brought two specialist technicians and a Hytrans Unit last deployed in Lismore after the 2017 Floods, to help extinguish the compost fire which has been burning at Lismore Recovery & Recycling Centre since August 11. Picture: F&R NSW Trent Brown
BIG GUNS: Fire & Rescue NSW have brought two specialist technicians and a Hytrans Unit last deployed in Lismore after the 2017 Floods, to help extinguish the compost fire which has been burning at Lismore Recovery & Recycling Centre since August 11. Picture: F&R NSW Trent Brown

TWO specialist technicians from Fire & Rescue NSW have accompanied a huge pump to combat the compost fire still smouldering at Lismore Recovery & Recycling Centre.

Acting Duty Commander and Incident Controller Trent Brown said it was terrific to have the pair accompany the Hytrans bulk water transfer unit, which can handle up to 8000 litres per minute.

F&R NSW combat fire at Lismore waste centre

Mr Brown said the pair are training the crew of 12 permanent and retained firefighters at the site on using the unit.

"Leading Firefighter Derek Baban and Senior Firefighter Michael Kerslake from the appliance training unit from the Emergency Services Academy based at Orchards Hills in Sydney are providing expert advice and Trayning to the local crews,” he said.

"This intensive flow will allow a greater capacity using water canons.”

While the Hytrans unit arrived on Thursday afternoon, Mr Brown said the fire which is "complicated”, will not be able to be fully assessed in regard to when it can be fully extinguished until after the weekend.

"By Monday we' have a very good idea as to how long it is going to be before it will be fully extinguished,” he said.

"It's a complicated fire, mulch with a very fine compost, so we need to saturate it through a water curtain.”

F&R water canons at Lismore waste centre

Mr Brown said the Environment Protection Authority have visited the site and have given their approval to for water in the treatment plant ponds to be sued to fire-fighter purposes.

"The EPA have provided two risk assessments and said they are happy with our processes,” he said.

"There is enough water in the treatment plant for us to fully extinguish the compost fire, but it will take time.”

Mr Brown said the work to at the waste facility was "a real team approach.”

"The combined effort between heavy plant operators and the firefighters using the ground monitors has been excellent and councils' site manager Charlie Crethar has provided great assistance to us to ensure an effective effort between the two organisations.”

Read related topics:Lismore City Council

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