
Help celebrate firefighters golden anniversary

FIREFIGHTERS past and present will be amongst the guests when the Clunes Fire Brigade opens it's station doors to the community to celebrate it's 50th birthday.

HAPPY 50TH: The Clunes Fire Brigade will open its doors on Sunday November 11 to cleebrate its 50th Birthday. Brigade captain Neville Battistuzzi (second on left in back of truck) said the while community is welcome to attend the party. Picture: Alison Paterson
HAPPY 50TH: The Clunes Fire Brigade will open its doors on Sunday November 11 to cleebrate its 50th Birthday. Brigade captain Neville Battistuzzi (second on left in back of truck) said the while community is welcome to attend the party. Picture: Alison Paterson

AFTER 50 years of putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff, the Clunes Rural Fire Service is inviting the community to celebrate this significant milestone.

Brigade Captain, Neville Battistuzzi said the brigade was established in 1968 by people from Clunes and surrounding villages in response to an identified need for an emergency response service in the area.

He said the 50th Anniversary commemorates the efforts of many volunteers over the years and the brigade would like to extend an invitation to all past members who have helped create this important service, to join in this celebration.

"A fun filled morning is planned at the Clunes Fire Station on November 11 from 9.30am until noon,” he said.

"The whole community is encouraged to come along for family friendly activities and games, a kids colouring competition, light refreshments and station tours.”

Mr Battistuzzi sai the role of firefighters had changed a great deal in the past half-century.

"Our volunteers are trained to respond to a range of emergency situations,” he said.

"We can be called out at any time of the day or night to a fire or vehicle accident and we also respond to major events.

"Our crews were a part of the 2017 flood clean-up, and more recently contributed over 200 hours to fighting the fires in the Rappville and Ellangowan areas.”

However, Mr Battistuzzi said being a brigade member is not all hard work.

He said the firefighter crews enjoy the privilege of escorting Santa around the villages on Christmas Eve.

"The combination of Santa and a fire truck is always a winner,” he said.

If you have any questions relating to this event please contact Craig 0427764661.

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