1/19Sharnika Phillips and partner
Gallery: Casino High Year 12 Formal
After what Casino High Principal Daniel Moar dubbed ‘the longest year 12 in history’ the class of 2021 kicked up their heels for their final hurrah at the Casino RSM. See the familiar faces inside.
2/19Rachel Hammond and partner
3/19Amy Randall and partner
4/19Marissa Campbell and partner
5/19Sara Cole and Ezra Frost
6/19Lateah Lambeth and Tiger McHughes
7/19Felicity Peters
8/19Hayley Blasche
9/19Isabella Ennever
10/19Kyle Blain and partner
11/19Annie-Jo Hoffman and partner
12/19Faith Pittman and partner
13/19Front row (L-R) Aleah Gaudry, Sophie McGregor, Stephanie Choi, Rozalie Franks, Daniel Moar (Casino High School Principal), Rachel Earley (Year 12 Year Advisor), Rachel Hammond, Hayley Blasche, Lateah Lambeth, Marissa Campbell, Amy Randall.Second row (L-R) Curtis Gill, James Williams, Faith Pittman, Olivia Armstrong, Annie-Jo Hoffman, Candace Dennis, Isabella Ennever, Sharnika Phillips, Madison Hartley, Sara Cole, Breanna Parkinson, Kira Hunt, Hayley Johansen, Noah Hickling, Tiger McHughes.Third row (L-R) James Green, Daniel Owen, Kyle Blain, Seth Owen, Ezra Frost, Felicity Peters, Adam Anderson, Jacob Gunthorpe, Calem McGregor, Jake Patton, Dehklen Mann
14/19Breanna Parkinson and partner
15/19Seth Hill
16/19Calem McGregor
17/19Kira Hunt and partner
18/19Madison Hartley and partner
19/19Rozalie Franks