
’Dear Australia’: Residents share their COVID-19 experience

TOOWOOMBA residents have joined with people all over Australia to share their lived COVID-19 experience. Read their moving letters here.

Sonny Whitley has written a letter as part of the Australia Post "Dear Australia" National Archives of Australia, where letters, telling the stories of Covd-19 will be kept for future generations.Photo Bev Lacey
Sonny Whitley has written a letter as part of the Australia Post "Dear Australia" National Archives of Australia, where letters, telling the stories of Covd-19 will be kept for future generations.Photo Bev Lacey

FOR Toowoomba primary school student Sonny Daniel Whitely the COVID-19 pandemic has been a "strange" and "weird" experience.

Sonny was one of many Australians who have written in to the Dear Australia campaign, an initiative of Australia Post and the National Archive of Australia to document the lived experience of Australians during the pandemic.

"Dear Australia, one day I went to school and everybody started to talk about the virus," the nine year old wrote.

"I noticed no one was coming to school anymore.

"When school came back (after the holidays) it was so weird. There (were) only five kids in my class instead of 25.

"We did a lot of things differently too … we weren't allowed to use the bubblers … the cleaners were at school all day cleaning our desks and chairs."

Sonny is not the only Toowoomba resident to contribute a letter.

North Toowoomba Bowls Club president Cameron King wrote about how restrictions had impacted the club.

"There is no income, which would usually come from club activities," Mr King wrote.

"The hardest thing is not seeing our mates."

Marcia Riches, who lives in a Toowoomba nursing home, wrote about how entertainment and events within the home ended because of the pandemic.

"There was nowhere to go, nothing to do, and not much left in the shops to buy," she wrote.

"I live in a nursing home and all of our group activities stopped, so I spent a lot of time in my room.

"After this, I can't wait to go shopping, see everything and everyone … cuddles with grandchildren."

Toowoomba resident Amy Owers wrote about how the pandemic had given her a "strong appreciation for being able to do the simple things in life".

"Nothing like a global pandemic to help you feel grateful for the day to day things," she wrote.

Hodgson Vale resident Shayne Baker wrote how the pandemic had allowed him to get some overdue yard work on his rural block done.

Australia Post community and consumer executive general manager Nicole Sheffield said she encouraged as many Australians as possible to take part in this history-collecting initiative.

"Writing a letter is a very human way to connect with people, which is why we're inviting individuals, schools, communities, and organisations to write a letter to the nation about their own unique experiences during the pandemic," she said.

"It can be a message of hope, a story of community spirit, a poem, song, artwork from your son or daughter, or part of a time capsule project for school.

"Whatever the reflection, this is a chance to share your story with the rest of Australia and preserve it for future generations."

Eligible letters will be stored in the National Archives.


Sonny Whitley has written a letter as part of the Australia Post "Dear Australia" National Archives of Australia, where letters, telling the stories of Covd-19 will be kept for future generations.Photo Bev Lacey
Sonny Whitley has written a letter as part of the Australia Post "Dear Australia" National Archives of Australia, where letters, telling the stories of Covd-19 will be kept for future generations.Photo Bev Lacey


For Sonny, while times are strange right now, he has an optimism for the future.

"I know COVID-19 will end and when it does I can't wait to be able to hang out with my friends," he wrote.

"Hang in there Australia.

"Like it says on TV, we're all in this together."

To take part in the Dear Australia campaign, send your letter to Dear Australia, Locked Bag, Australia 9999 with a stamp on the front of the envelope.

For more information visit

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