
BOM: The latest flood updates for the Northern Rivers

BOM warns of minor flooding of the Wilson River at Lismore and says residents should stay alert.

FLOOD WARNING: The BOM has issued a Minor Flood Warning for the Wilson River at Lismore. File Photo: Alison Paterson
FLOOD WARNING: The BOM has issued a Minor Flood Warning for the Wilson River at Lismore. File Photo: Alison Paterson

Update 8.20am: Minor flooding is occurring along the Wilsons River at Lismore.

The river peaked at Lismore (AHD) at 5.48 metres around  2pm Saturday, with
minor flooding.

This morning, the SES said no further flooding of the Wilson River was expected.

What we are expecting:
A number of low-lying rural roads will be flooded.
At Lismore:
Minor is at 4.2m (Rowing Club Gauge)
Based on the prediction provided by the Bureau of Meteorology it is expected the following
locations will be affected:
• Low lying farmland and rural properties
• Hensley Car Park next to Sportspower near Fawcett's Bridge
• Lower Rowing Club Car Park
• Bridge St next to McKenzie Park in North Lismore
• Orion St near Simes Bridge
• Simes Bridge

The Richmond River at Coraki peaked overnight at 3.2m, just below the minor flood level.

At Bungawalbyn river levels have remained steady at its peak, just below the minor flood level. River levels at Bungawalbyn are expected begin to fall later this morning.

Richmond River:
No further flooding is expected along the Richmond River at Coraki and Bungawalbyn.
The Richmond River at Coraki peaked at 3.20 metres around 11 pm Saturday February 20, just below the
minor flood level.
The Richmond River at Bungawalbyn remains steady at its peak of 2.9 metres, just below the minor flood
What to expect:
At Coraki
• Low lying farmland may be affected, farmers are advised to monitor equipment and livestock.
• Water reaches the top of the riverbank near the Coraki Caravan Park
At Bungawalbyn:
• Minor flooding of low-lying roads and rural areas

Original story, Saturday:  A Minor Flood Warning for the Wilsons River at Lismore has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology.

At 2:32pm EDT on Saturday February 20, 2021, BOM issued Flood Warning Number: 6 for Minor flooding is occurring along the Wilsons River at Lismore.

"Heavy rainfall has been recorded across the Wilsons River catchment on Friday evening," the warning said.

"As a result significant river level rises have been observed in the Wilson River catchment overnight Friday into Saturday morning."

BOM said minor flooding is occurring along the Wilsons River at Lismore.

The Wilsons River at Lismore (AHD) is currently at 5.47 metres and near its peak, with minor flooding.

Flood Safety Advice:

In life threatening emergencies, call 000 (triple-0) immediately. If you require rescue, assistance to evacuate or other emergency help, ring NSW SES on 132 500.

* Avoid drowning. Stay out of rising water, seek refuge in the highest available place.

* Prevent damage to your vehicle. Move it under cover, away from areas likely to flood.

* Avoid being swept away. Stay out of fast-flowing creeks and storm drains.

* Never drive, ride or walk through flood water. Flood water can be deceptive and dangerous.

For more emergency information, advice, and access to the latest river heights and rainfall observations and forecasts:


* RMS Live Traffic:

* Latest River Heights and Rainfall Observations:

* Latest NSW Warnings:

* Rainfall Forecasts:

* BOM NSW Twitter:

The next warning will be issued by 06:00pm EDT on Saturday 20 February 2021.

Latest River Heights

Location Height of River (m) Tendency Date/Time of Observation

Leycester Creek at Rock Valley 2.26 Falling 02:27 PM SAT 20/02/21

Terania Creek at The Channon 2.29 Falling 02:28 PM SAT 20/02/21

Coopers Creek at Ewing Bridge Corndale 5.59 Falling 02:28 PM SAT 20/02/21

Wilsons River at Eltham 7.11 Steady 02:29 PM SAT 20/02/21

Wilsons River at Woodlawn (AHD) 6.24 Steady 02:15 PM SAT 20/02/21

Leycester Creek at Tuncester (AHD) 6.18 Falling 02:29 PM SAT 20/02/21

Wilsons River at Lismore (AHD) 5.47 Steady 02:27 PM SAT 20/02/21

This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210.

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