
‘Beyond ridiculous’: Your say on our local roads

SEE what local residents had to say about our roads in the Northern Rivers.

Our readers have had their say on the state of our local roads.
Our readers have had their say on the state of our local roads.

THE ROADS around the Northern Rivers are always a divisive topic for our readers and when we asked for your views, you did not hold back.

Readers questioned roads from Lismore to Coraki to Nimbin and beyond, including asking questions of local councils.

“The worst road in Lismore is the road into Lismore. The best road in Lismore is the road out of Lismore,” Madeleine McAndrews said.

Michael Kuebler said on Facebook that the constant reworking of the roads was something that irked him.

“Even when they rip sections up and completely redo them which takes months and months, they still fall apart.

“A section was done at Spring Grove around a year ago taken right down to dirt and redone and it is deteriorated as bad as it was if not worse than it was originally.”

Even readers from outside the Northern Rivers highlighted concerns regarding the condition of the roads.

“I lived in Ipswich currently, and almost every road we travelled last weekend visiting family was horrific. The road to Coraki is absolutely beyond ridiculous, most of the road is falling away.

“Lismore City Council should be disgusted in themselves, honestly. I feel bad for anyone who is paying rates and taxes around town just for it to be p---d away.”

Lismore City Council were approached for comment regarding the concerns about their roads but did not respond by deadline.

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