
Activism on the agenda

A PUBLIC symposium on Climate Change Activism and the Law will be held at Southern Cross University’s Lismore campus today.

A PUBLIC symposium on Climate Change Activism and the Law will be held at Southern Cross University's Lismore campus today.

The symposium, run by the School of Law and Justice and the Griffith Climate Change Response Program, will focus on the role of civil disobedience in the climate change movement and the impact of activism on public understandings of lawfulness and justice.

The documentary Bidder 70 will be shown, telling the story of Tim DeChristopher who in 2008 presented himself as an authentic bidder for oil and gas leases in the United States and successfully secured 22,000 hectares of land.

He made a last-minute decision to attend a Bureau of Land Management auction in Utah for oil and gas leases, and placed bids of almost $1.8 million.

He saved 22,000 hectares of pristine wilderness from mining, but was convicted of two offences and sentenced to two years prison in 2011.

The growing trend of civil disobedience to protest against climate change and the role of government and business will be discussed by an expert panel.

Read related topics:Climate Change

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