
Harriet Wran: Sex and drug binge after murder of drug dealer Daniel McNulty

THE day after the murder of Daniel McNulty, Harriet Wran and her boyfriend stunned their housemate when they retreated to his bedroom to have “very loud” sex after watching a news report about the killing.

Re-enactment phone call extracts between Harriet Wran and mother Jill

THE day after the murder of Daniel McNulty, fugitives Harriet Wran and her boyfriend Michael Lee stunned their housemate when they retreated to his bedroom to have “very loud” sex after watching a news report about the killing.

Oblivious to the fact that police were closing in on them for their roles in the homicide, Wran and Lee were watching the late-night news at the Darlington home of a friend on August 11, 2014, when a story about the stabbing murder flashed on the screen.

The friend, Andrew Hobbs, was sitting on the couch with the couple and later told police they were in roughly the same position as hours earlier when he found them smoking ice off tinfoil with a lighter.

“I remember commenting ... saying ‘Wow, this is horrible’,” Mr Hobbs told police about his reaction to the news report. “They didn’t seem to react in any way.”

Harriet Wran and her boyfriend Michael Lee in an elevator on the way to buying drugs in Morehead St, Redfern.
Harriet Wran and her boyfriend Michael Lee in an elevator on the way to buying drugs in Morehead St, Redfern.

The report showed the Redfern slum  where  McNulty, an ice ­dealer, had been stabbed to death the night before.

“Straight after that report they went to bed in my bedroom and I lay on the lounge,” Mr Hobbs said.

“I heard Harriet making moaning noises and she was very loud. It was obvious to me they were having sex,” he told police.

“I left the house because I was really flabbergasted and uncomfortable. I told them I felt weird about it but I still left anyway.”

He returned about 1am.

Mr Hobbs told police he had only met Wran about six weeks ­earlier at the Darlinghurst unit of his ex-boyfriend Phillip Jenkins.

Court documents said Jenkins was one of Wran’s ice suppliers. Mr Hobbs told investigators that Jenkins sold ice at $50-$70 per point.

“I remember thinking she was really  lovely. It was obvious she had an addiction to methamphetamines. I saw her smoke ice in front of me,” he told police.

“She would talk to me about things. I knew she was going through a tough time in relation to her father passing and the expectations associated with who she was.”


Wran and Lee at Redfern railway station.
Wran and Lee at Redfern railway station.

On Tuesday, Wran pleaded guilty in the NSW Supreme Court to being an accessory after the fact of McNulty’s murder and robbery in company. She will be sentenced from Thursday.

Lee and Lloyd Edward Haines, pleaded guilty on an earlier date to murder and other charges.

In the lead-up to the killing, Wran had been in and out of her family’s multimillion-dollar home on Wallis St, Woollahra, on top of stints in rehab.

And despite her family also owning a number of properties, she moved into a drug house on Kendall St, Surry Hills.

The trio was unaware that ­almost every move they made on the day of the murder, and the ­following three days, was captured on CCTV and eventually led to their arrest.

Mr Hobbs told police that Wran called him at 3pm on the day of the murder and asked: “Would you mind if I came and stayed at your place for a couple of days with Asia?”

Murder victim Daniel McNulty.
Murder victim Daniel McNulty.

Prior to that, Wran had been staying at Jenkins’ Oxford St apartment, which was where she met and formed a relationship with Lee.

Jenkins told police he met Wran through her ex-boyfriend, Dennan Chew, whom she met in rehab.

“Harriet introduced herself as being Harriet Wran, the daughter of the now deceased politician, ­Neville Wran. She gave me a brief summary of her life,” he said.

One Friday, she came to home and they “made dinner and just hung out”, he told police.

“Harriet seemed to be sweet, kind and an amazing girl,” he said.

“I could see that Harriet seemed troubled and we just talked for a while and discussed just about everything including her family problems but she wouldn’t talk about her father.”

Wran later moved into Jenkins’ apartment, agreeing to give him her Centrelink payments.

Lee moved in and he and Wran soon became romantically involved.

“From the instant that Asia came into my home I noticed that Harriet was intrigued about him,” Jenkins told police.

“They would stay in the common room together, eat together, take drugs and it seemed they were pretty close.”

Wran inside a taxi heading to Wilson St, Darlington on the night of the murder.
Wran inside a taxi heading to Wilson St, Darlington on the night of the murder.
Michael Lee leaving the taxi the night of the murder.
Michael Lee leaving the taxi the night of the murder.

On August 9, Wran and Lee returned to the Kendall St property.

Jenkins told police that Harriet looked nervous and “was worried that her mother ... might come by”.

He next saw Lee and Haines at 4pm and said “they seemed stressed” and “told me (they had) planned to rob someone the previous night but didn’t go through with it”.

Mr Hobbs later drove his gold Volvo to Kendall St to pick up Wran and Lee.

“They were both waiting outside the property when I got there,” he told police.

“They gave me the impression that they were in a hurry to leave.”

Not long after arriving at Mr Hobbs’ home, Lee and Wran said they “both needed to go out” and left, court documents said.

They went to Redfern where Lee had arranged to meet Haines to obtain drugs, a set of agreed facts tendered to the Supreme Court said.

At about 6.30pm, Haines took the couple to a drug house on Morehead St, the documents said.

When they struck out, the trio went to McNulty’s apartment on Walker St where Haines had previously obtained drugs.

He had also robbed the apartment so Wran was sent to knock on the door, the facts said.

It turned into a robbery and Lee stabbed McNulty to death and wounded flatmate, Brett Fitzgerald. Haines also hit Fitzgerald in the head with a hammer.

The trio split the stolen drugs and money. Lee and Wran flagged a taxi on Elizabeth St, which was captured on the in-car CCTV.

It dropped them near Mr Hobbs’ home where they buzzed the security door about 7.30pm.

“Harriet seemed a little stressed and she had her grey hoodie pulled over her head,” Mr Hobbs said.

“They seemed fine but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.”

At 5pm on August 12, two days after the murder, Wran and Lee left the townhouse.

The Sunday Telegraph has obtained CCTV footage that captured Lee and Wran taking a train from Redfern to Liverpool that night.

Harriet Wran at Liverpool railway station.
Harriet Wran at Liverpool railway station.

At 10.30pm, Bankstown Transport Command made a chance ­discovery when they caught Wran smoking a cigarette on a platform at Liverpool Station.

“Are you aware that it’s an ­offence to smoke in this area?” one of the officers asked her.

Asked if she had taken any drugs, Wran said, “I used to take ice but I’m trying to get my life back ­together”, court documents said.

The officer took Wran’s details and fined her for smoking on the platform and not having a train ticket. The next day, the officer received an email which said Wran and Lee were murder suspects.

At 3pm, police went to Wran’s Woollahra home but her brother, Hugo, ­directed them to Kendall St.

Harriet Wran after her arrest in August 2014.
Harriet Wran after her arrest in August 2014.

At 5pm on August 13, two Redfern officers went to Liverpool Train Station where they spotted Lee on a mobile phone and Wran sitting on a step.

One of the officers grabbed Lee’s arm while the other pointed at Wran and said, “That’s her.”

Wran told police, “I can’t believe I have been caught up in this, I would not have gone there.

“I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was told not to tell the cops anything or they would kill me,” court documents said.

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