

Greyhound racing ban: Mike Baird’s greyhound ban backflip still fails to deliver votes for Coalition

EXCLUSIVE: The reversal on the greyhound racing ban by Premier Mike Baird has failed to win the government back any support in the seat of Orange ahead of next month’s by-election there.

AU NSW:    Activists Gather to Protest Backflip on Greyhound Racing Ban   October 23

THE reversal on the greyhound racing ban by Premier Mike Baird has failed to win the government back any support in the seat of Orange ahead of next month’s by-election there, internal polling shows.

But the Nationals still expect to fall over the line in the seat, despite a 14 to 18 per cent swing against them.

A 21 per cent swing would be required for Labor to win the seat.

Troy Grant faced intense internal party backlash to the greyhounds ban. Picture: Richard Dobson
Troy Grant faced intense internal party backlash to the greyhounds ban. Picture: Richard Dobson
Mike Baird’s reversal of the greyhounds ban has been welcomed in Orange but not to the point of reclaiming votes. Picture: Adam Yip/ The Daily Telegraph
Mike Baird’s reversal of the greyhounds ban has been welcomed in Orange but not to the point of reclaiming votes. Picture: Adam Yip/ The Daily Telegraph

In a campaign committee phone hook-up on Friday state Nationals director Nathan Quigley delivered the news that the party’s stocks had not improved after the reversal of the ban.

Deputy Premier Troy Grant’s rating also appears to be bad in the seat in the wake of the greyhounds debacle, sources said.

It is understood that Nationals on the ground are finding that while Orange voters are happy that Mr Baird and Mr Grant reversed their decision on the greyhound racing ban, they still want to send them a message over it.

During the meeting, government upper house leader Duncan Gay spoke about some of that negative feedback he had had from voters in Orange.

A greyhound at the Martin Place greyhound racing ban rally. Picture: AAP
A greyhound at the Martin Place greyhound racing ban rally. Picture: AAP

The latest battle Mr Grant has been involved in pre-by-election is over guns, as the Nationals battle the Shooters party as well as Labor in the seat.

Mr Baird has complained in recent weeks that Labor has done a preferences deal with the Shooters in Orange for the November 12 by-election.

At a council of justice ministers meeting on Friday, Mr Grant argued against most other states who wanted to reclassify the Adler 110 seven-shot firearm to the tough category D — a move which would allow its importation but allow few to use it — with Mr Grant wanting to have it at category B (moved from the looser category A.) This would allow more farmers to have it.

Yet Mr Baird and state cabinet had overruled Mr Grant and decided on Thursday only that it should move to a tighter category but did not specify what category that should be.

The Adler A110 shotgun. Picture: The Firearm Blog/Youtube
The Adler A110 shotgun. Picture: The Firearm Blog/Youtube

Premier Mike Baird yesterday opened the door to state cabinet approving the Adler shotgun being listed in one of the toughest categories possible, category D, against the wishes of Mr Grant.

“Cabinet supports the current national ban and the maintenance of the strong Howard gun laws,” Mr Baird said.

“It has made no decision on the ultimate reclassification of the Adler.

“There has been no change in the Premier’s position or Cabinet’s position.

“Cabinet will consider the outcomes of the ministerial meeting in Melbourne last week.”

It is understood that at Friday’s meeting, the Queensland minister expressed doubts about getting the category D change through his parliament.

The anti-gun Alannah and Madeline Foundation recently wrote to Mr Grant, expressing concern about moves flagged by NSW officials on loosening restrictions around category D firearms to allow more people to access guns which were marked that category.

The letter from Foundation CEO Lesley Podesta said: “Recently we took part in a consultation at a state jurisdictional level where we were concerned to hear that there is active consideration being given to amending Category D primary producer pest control to remove the restriction on the number of category D firearms and make it unlimited. Currently primary producers are restricted to one category D firearm.

“The Foundation does not support individuals having more than one Category D firearm at any one time and we would be completely opposed to opening up an ‘unlimited’ number of category D firearms to individuals. This creates a very significant risk to community safety.”

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