
Maclean Highland Gathering decision made

Following recent NSW Health changes and rulings, Maclean Highland Gathering make final decision on event this Saturday

Maclean Highland Gathering Grand Scottish concert to close the event
Maclean Highland Gathering Grand Scottish concert to close the event

By his own admission, the path to this year’s Highland Gathering has been a rollercoaster for Lower Clarence Scottish Association Secretary Alister Smith and his committee.

However, there was good news out of this morning’s health announcements, and the gathering is definitely going ahead.

And with the lifting of the Queensland lockdown, their Brisbane bands and dancers will be able to join them.

“It’s great to see,” Mr Smith said. “We fit very much into Queensland, and they support us with 13 of the 16 bands.

“We were determined to put something on regardless because we missed out last year and there were some important things we wanted to do.”

Mr Smith said he hoped the town would come out and support the event and be confident in the COVID-safe regulations they had employed.

The gathering will begin on Friday, with all events to be held at the Maclean Showground, with a Ceilidh to be held from Friday night, and the main competitions on Saturday.

The traditional massed bands will take place at 4pm.

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