
Family memorials and tributes up for public comment

A change to regulations on memorials and plaques placed around the region is currently up for community consultation.

A change to regulations on memorials and plaques placed around the Clarence Valley is currently up for community consultation.
A change to regulations on memorials and plaques placed around the Clarence Valley is currently up for community consultation.

A proposal to regulate memorials and plaques placed around the region is currently up for community consultation.

In last year’s December 15 Clarence Valley Council meeting, the topic was raised regarding regulation of how and where memorials and plaques would be presented on public lands. While the proposal was considered, councillors instead chose to place it on public exhibition for community comment.

“Memorials and plaques to commemorate the life of a family member may not have any significance to the broader community. However, the appearance of such memorials and plaques may also be offensive to other members of the community and can have the effect of creating a cemetery appearance on public land,” the proposal states.

While existing memorials and plaques would remain untouched (with the exception of those in an inappropriate location or in poor condition) the proposal hopes to work in collaboration with Council and family members wishing to install a future public keepsake on public land by adhering to a set of guidelines.

According to the proposal, all applications will be processed as follows:

  • The application will be initially assessed by Council’s Open Spaces and Facilities Section against the guidelines provided in this Policy.
  • The applicant will be advised if the proposal is deemed inappropriate.
  • If deemed appropriate, Council’s Open Spaces and Facilities Section will submit the application to Council for approval, if the memorial and/or plaque is on Crown land under the control of Council, advise the State Government Department administering the Crown Lands Management Act.
  • The applicant will be advised by Council’s Open Spaces and Facilities Section on the outcome of the decision by Council or by the relevant State Government Department.
  • Council’s Open Spaces and Facilities Section will consult with the applicant of a proposal deemed appropriate to implement the memorial and/or plaque.

Memorials or plaques which have been placed on public land without Council approval will be removed. Prior to removal, all reasonable efforts will be made to identify and contact the persons responsible for placing the item to advise them of this policy, and the proposed removal. Reasonable attempts will be made to hold a removed item for collection by the persons responsible for its placement.

Public submissions to the proposal close on Friday, February 14, 2021 at 4pm.

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