

Auction listing pulled down by real estate agent

Auction listing for South Grafton community centre Camellia Cottage pulled down from real estate website.

South Grafton's Camellia Cottage was originally set to go under the hammer on April 27, 2021. Photo: Elders Real Estate Grafton.
South Grafton's Camellia Cottage was originally set to go under the hammer on April 27, 2021. Photo: Elders Real Estate Grafton.

The auction listing for South Grafton community centre Camellia Cottage has been pulled down.

On Thursday morning would-be buyers were greeted with an error message on the original Elders Real Estate website, while have listed it as ‘off the market’.

Originally billed by the agency as what “could be the cheapest buy of 2021” the home was being offered for sale for the first time since its construction.

However, for the past several days, there had been public outrage on social media upon learning that the property was due to go under the hammer later this month.

A spokesperson from Elders Real Estate Grafton confirmed that late Wednesday afternoon the vendor requested the listing be removed. However the auction has simply been postponed.

In the meantime, a community meeting about the future of the cottage will be held on Thursday, April 22 and hosted by the Grafton Ngerrie Local Aboriginal Land Council.

More information as it comes to hand.

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