
A splendid Scissor Sisters interview

WE interview Scissor Sister female lead singer “Ana Matronic” and guitarist/lyricist Babydaddy in a makeshift tattoo studio at Splendour in the Grass.

Scissor Sisters

IN a makeshift tattoo studio in the off-limits media area backstage at Splendour in the Grass, journalist Owen Jacques interviewed Scissor Sister female lead singer and fire-haired bombshell “Ana Matronic” and dapper rhythm guitarist and lyricist Babydaddy.

During the interview Ben Milliken of Byron Bay Tattoos was inking an anchor onto the hand of acclaimed tattoo master and artist David Bromley.

Are there any bands here that you guys are excited about seeing?

AM: We just rolled in, so we are hopefully going to catch a bit of Hot Chip and all if not just a taste of LCD Soundsystem.

Where have you guys come from before here?

We’ve come from Sydney where we played a show and did some promo and are off to Japan tomorrow (Saturday) ... we’re going to be playing the Fuji Rock Festival up there in the mountains.

How have people reacted to the new album?

Everybody has been responding really, really well, the response has been really positive and the songs when we’re playing them live have gotten a really immediate, super energetic response. They sit in really well with our old material.

Do you think this venue is better than its Byron equivalent?

AM: You will have to ask us that after the show, definitely.

BD: It’s all about the crowd.

Speaking of which, you guys are up against Ben Harper for people’s attention tonight, is that intimidating?

BD: I think maybe a different crowd, but he’s great sooo...

AM: I think there’s only one person who should be intimidated in this and that’s Ben Harper.

There are gumboots everywhere, do you think there’s a design you guys would go for?

AM: I’m a fan of spray-painting my gumboots. Every time I’ve been to a festival with my husband, he brings dedicated can of silver spray-paint for his gumboots. I like a little DIY, so I think people should get a little creative.

What do you think about having this interview with a tattoo parlour buzzing in the background?

AM: It’s giving me that old familiar twinge of wanting more work done. It’s like arrgghh I want to get another one! I wonder if I would get a tattoo if I was staying at a festival. It doesn’t seem the most sanitary.

TATTOOIST: It’s very sanitary back here!

AM:  I believe you run a completely sterile and sanitary shop, without a doubt. But yes, I’m no stranger to the sting of the needle.

So you’re feeling at home?

AM: I am feeling at home, in fact, I’m getting an endorphin rush just listening to it.

Originally published as A splendid Scissor Sisters interview

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