
Game of Thrones: The 10 deaths from George RR Martin that made us cry

George RR Martin has killed off more than 150 named characters in Game Of Thrones. And although there have been a few “hooray” moments, most of them have left viewers in tears.

GoT behind the scenes look at visual effects - Season 6

George RR Martin has killed off more than 150 named characters in Game Of Thrones.

In six series of the television adaptation, viewers have been shocked, saddened and horrified by the carnage. And although there have certainly been a few “hooray” moments, most of them have been of characters undeserving of the gruesome ends they were given.

Here are the top 10 most shocking (and sad) deaths scenes so far — be warned, we’ve got some MASSIVE spoilers here!

Sean Bean As Ned Stark.
Sean Bean As Ned Stark.

1. NED STARK (Season 1, episode 9)

Both Sansa Stark and the fledgling audience of Game of Thrones were led to believe that new King Joffrey would show mercy to Ned Stark after he confessed to treason on the steps of the Sept of Baelor. Looking back it’s easy to see Ned Stark’s beheading was crucial to the overall plot, but early fans of the show were horrified when lead actor Sean Bean was executed in just the ninth episode. What kind of show would kill of a main character in its debut season? We were about to find out.

Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) and Daenerys Targaryuen aka Khaleesi (Emilia Clarke) in Game Of Thrones
Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) and Daenerys Targaryuen aka Khaleesi (Emilia Clarke) in Game Of Thrones

2. KHAL DROGO (Season 1, episode 10)

We quickly became attached to Khal Drogo despite his inauspicious introduction as the brute Dothraki horse lord poor Daenarys was forced to marry in the first episode. Still recovering from the shock of Ned Stark’s beheading the previous episode, fans then had to witness the death another major character. Near death from an infected wound, Drogo was saved by the maegi’s blood magic only for Dany to have to euthanase his catatonic body with a cushion, while recovering from the stillbirth of her baby. At least she got some dragons out of the whole sorry incident.

Poor Robb Stark didn’t deserve a Red Wedding.
Poor Robb Stark didn’t deserve a Red Wedding.

3. ROBB AND CATELYN STARK (Season 3, episode 9).

Poor, poor GoT fans made it this far believing that one day the Starks would have their revenge. After all Ned’s widow and eldest son had spent two and a half seasons traipsing around Westeros fighting battles and negotiating a take down of the Lannisters. Surely they would have their vengeance soon…. and Arya was tantalisingly close to her family. Alas, we learnt the ugly truth the moment Walder Frey shut the castle doors and announced that the Lannisters sent their regards, having Catelyn, Robb (and his wife and unborn child) killed while he looked on.


The saddest deaths of Game of Thrones: Prince Oberyn.
The saddest deaths of Game of Thrones: Prince Oberyn.

4. PRINCE OBERYN MARTELL (Season 4, episode 8).

The colourful rogue Prince Oberyn arrived with a flourish in King’s Landing to seek revenge against those who murdered his sister and her children. Given the chance to kill “The Mountain” Ser Gregor Clegane, Prince Oberyn looked set to win the trial by combat for Tyrion Lannister. Unfortunately he got just a little bit over-confident and his head got just a little bit squished. The graphic scene left fans in shock and in fear that Tyrion’s death sentence would be carried out in the season finale, with many taking to social media threatening to riot if Tyrion died.

Rose Leslie played the unfortunate Ygritte.
Rose Leslie played the unfortunate Ygritte.

5. YGRITTE (Season 4, episode 9)

Right from the start of Jon Snow’s forbidden relationship with wilding Ygritte (remember the love scene in the cave?) we just knew they were doomed. He was a Stark after all, albeit a bastard one, and Starks don’t get happy endings. Various scenes had one contemplating killing the other, until the attack on Castle Black where Ygritte planned to take out Snow to save her reputation. While she hesitated, young Olly came to the rescue and shot her in the back and fans through the heart. Damn you, Olly! They should have stayed in that cave.

Kerry Ingram as the unfortunate Shireen Baratheon.
Kerry Ingram as the unfortunate Shireen Baratheon.

6. PRINCESS SHIREEN BARATHEON (Series 5, episode 9)

As a true-born Baratheon the Greyscale-scarred princess was a legitimate heir to the Iron Throne sought by her father Stannis. She touched our hearts as she taught the gruff Ser Davos to read, secretly visiting him in prison. Even Stannis himself was shocked when Melisandre suggested Shireen be sacrificed in exchange for victory in the battle for Winterfell, but he went ahead and had her burned at the stake as she screamed for help and fans shed real tears. It was controversial in real life as well as the show, where most of Stannis army abandoned him in disgust and Shireen’s mother hung herself.

Jon Snow dies in Game Of Thrones.
Jon Snow dies in Game Of Thrones.

7. JON SNOW (series 5, episode 10)

Jon Snow’s death came as much of a shock to viewers as it did to him. One minute he was safely tucked in his Lord Commander’s quarters at Castle Black and the next he was lured outside by Olly where he was knifed by various traitors with young Olly taking the final stab. Damn you, Olly! But we all knew that Snow was destined for greatness and speculation in the long months between the end of series 5 and series 6 was correct — Snow wasn’t going to stay dead. So can we bring back the Starks now?


Walda Frey and her baby died horribly.
Walda Frey and her baby died horribly.

8. BABY BOLTON (series 6, episode 2)

Even though he had an evil lineage (his father Roose Bolton and his mother’s father Walder Frey orchestrated the Red Wedding) viewers were still appalled at the manner of the innocent newborn baby’s death. Shortly after hearing of the birth, Ramsay Bolton stabbed his father and then set his dogs on both Walda and her babe to secure his status as head of House Bolton. Some GoT viewers were so offended by this chilling scene that they switched off their TVs vowing to never return to the show, claiming it had “finally gone too far”.

Poor Hodor died as well.
Poor Hodor died as well.

9. HODOR/WYLIS (series 6, episode 5)

When the White Walkers drop in for a visit, Bran, in the throes of a vision/visit to past Winterfell, had to be dragged from the cave while warging into Wylis, the stable boy who would grow up to be Hodor. Through Bran, Wylis heard Meera‘s shout as Hodor as he was torn to pieces by the wights , the repeated words “Hold the door” morphing into ”Hodor”. The self-perpetuating cause of death and finally knowing the horrible truth about why Hodor only says “Hodor” left many fans curled up on the floor in anguish as if they’d been sucker-punched in the stomach, instead of just the soul.

Margaery Tyrell died in Wildfire.
Margaery Tyrell died in Wildfire.

10. MARGAERY TYRELL (series 6, episode 10)

To most recent series finale of Game of Thrones was a bloodbath with many longstanding characters losing the game including the King himself. The biggest shock wasn’t sweet young Tommen’s death, but Queen Margaery’s alongside everyone else when Cersei had them all blown up instead of facing her trial. Viewers were shown the igniting wildfire in the tunnels under the Sept of Baelor, realising what was about to happen. But astute Queen Margaery realised the danger and urged everyone to leave, leading viewers to believe she was about to escape. She wasn’t.


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