
Five people left injured in suburban New Year’s Eve fireworks

Illegally-bought fireworks have left five people injured in separate incidents across Sydney, with mayors calling for a crackdown on the black market sale of the crackers.

New Year's Eve celebrations about to kick off across Australia

Illegally-bought fireworks have left five people injured in separate incidents across Sydney, with officials concerned after a teen was stabbed during a display and mayors calling for a crackdown on the black market sale of the crackers.

As Sydneysiders geared up to celebrate the end of 2024, social media was flooded with videos of illegal fireworks across the suburbs with videos showing displays in Guildford, Punchbowl and Greenacre.

Fireworks go off above Maiden St, Greenacre. Picture: TNV
Fireworks go off above Maiden St, Greenacre. Picture: TNV

It is illegal to buy and set off fireworks without a licence in NSW but Sydney locals are using social media in the lead-up to December 31 to sell and procure them.

One social media account The Daily Telegraph found offered fireworks ranging from $200 to $1500.

Police Commissioner Karen Webb said police were kept busy with “calls in suburbs to (deal with) illegal fireworks”.

Footage shared online showed a highway patrol car chasing after a black sedan with fireworks shooting out of the sunroof.

“(There were) certainly many calls for illegal fireworks across Sydney last night, different areas of Sydney, and obviously causing disruption that draws crowds, and it often draws trouble as well,” Ms Webb said.

Five people were left injured across Sydney. Picture: TNV
Five people were left injured across Sydney. Picture: TNV

Police are currently investigating the stabbing of a 17-year-old after fireworks were lit in Guildford in Sydney’s southwest.

Videos have revealed chaotic scenes at Bright Park at about 10.30pm on New Year’s Eve showing the teen seriously injured in a knife attack.

Police were told a group was allegedly letting off fireworks before the boy was stabbed in

the back.

“No one has been arrested yet,and certainly that matter is under investigation,” Ms Webb said.

“We understand there were illegal fireworks in that path last night, a large crowd of police were called, and so that individual, the 17-year-old, is currently in hospital.”

Footage also emerged of a motorist allegedly setting off fireworks while driving on a busy road in Sydney’s West, before being chased by police.

A video posted to social media shows two people in a black Honda Accord allegedly discharging red and green fireworks from the passenger side while driving on Waterloo Rd, Greenacre.

Their fun was short-lived as moments later their act caught the attention of a police highway patrol car, which was seen following the moving car into a neighbouring street.

The 17-year-old passenger was issued an infringement notice for illegally discharging fireworks, and the 17-year-old driver will face court for driving while suspended.

Illegal fireworks display from a moving car in Greenacre.
Illegal fireworks display from a moving car in Greenacre.
Illegal fireworks for sale in Sydney on TikTok.
Illegal fireworks for sale in Sydney on TikTok.

Paramedics were called to Wisemans Ferry in Sydney’s northwest on New Year’s Eve after a 20-year-old man was involved in a fireworks and burns incident while another 20-year-old man was seen by paramedics in South Granville after a fireworks explosion.

A 25-year-old woman in Condell Park and a 60-year-old woman at Villawood were also injured in separate fireworks-related incidents.

Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun said he saw “fireworks everywhere” and the illegal celebrations have been on a steady rise over the years.

“I went to have a look at the fireworks from my office, you could see fireworks everywhere,” he said.

Commissioner Karen Webb addressing the media to discuss Sydney’s New Year’s Eve. Picture: Gaye Gerard
Commissioner Karen Webb addressing the media to discuss Sydney’s New Year’s Eve. Picture: Gaye Gerard

“People are letting them off anywhere, we’ve seen people do them on roundabouts and quiet little streets

“Generally speaking, year on year we see more and more fireworks going off. It’s pretty inconsiderate for people.”

Fairfield Mayor Frank Carbone said he had not seen an increase, but illegal fireworks were “definitely” around.

Mr Carbone said council had received complaints from residents but the illegal explosives should be more regulated at the point of sale.

“More needs to be done. But it is a difficult time of the year because police resources are stretched during New Year’s Eve,” he said. “It needs to be more controlled at the point of sale.”

Mr Carbone said more legal displays in suburban areas would also help discourage illegal ones.

“The best way is to make sure we keep providing a safe night out for people in their local area.”

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