
Daley threatens to sack entire SCG Trust board

NSW Labor leader Michael Daley says he is not intimidated by the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust’s board, who he will sack if elected Premier on March 23.

Michael Daley threatens to sack Alan Jones if elected

NSW Labor leader Michael Daley says he is not intimidated by the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust’s board, who he will sack if elected Premier on March 23.

He announced the decision on the Alan Jones radio show this morning to the veteran broadcaster, who is the longest serving member of the SCG Trust board, having been in the role for 30 years.

“This morning I took the opportunity, so that Alan Jones couldn’t accuse me of going behind his back, to announce it on his program, face-to-face if you like, as a courtesy to him as the longest serving member of the board,” Mr Daley said today.

Leader of the NSW opposition Michael Daley has told Alan Jones he will sack the entire board of the SCG Trust, if elected. Picture: Angelo Velardo
Leader of the NSW opposition Michael Daley has told Alan Jones he will sack the entire board of the SCG Trust, if elected. Picture: Angelo Velardo

“What we’ve got here is a board that was in on the fix if you like, the $730 million of the great rip-off of taxpayers, and I told you on day one I would not stand for this stadium promise.”

The powerful board led by chairman Tony Shepherd includes former Premier Barry O’Farrell, rich-lister Peter Ivany and former Wallabies captain Phil Waugh.

The SCG Trust supports the $730 million redevelopment of Allianz Stadium, something which Mr Daley has opposed since he became State Opposition leader late last year.

“I don’t care who what enemies I pick around town, whether they think they’re powerful or not, I will take the side of the ordinary citizens of NSW everyday regardless of the peril it puts me personally in,” Mr Daley said.

If elected he will stop the demolition, however if the stadium is too far demolished by March 23 then he will force the SCG Trust to pay the remaining $644 million to complete the refurbish job.

This would be in the form of a low interest loan, which Mr Daley claims the Parliamentary Budget Office has confirmed the SCG Trust would be able to service.

Mr Daley said if elected in less than three weeks then the board would be sacked, and he would increase the number of women on the board.

Radio broadcaster Alan Jones is currently on the SCG board. Picture: Ben Rushton
Radio broadcaster Alan Jones is currently on the SCG board. Picture: Ben Rushton

“When I looked at the board — two women out of 13 — it’s not acceptable, I want a board that suits the modern era,” Mr Daley said.

“One of the justifications for refurbishing the stadium is that it doesn’t have facilities there for female sports people, so I want more women on that board, I want a 21st century board and it had to go.”

Mr Daley clashed with Jones this morning saying he would clear out the board.

“That’s one of the reasons Alan why I’m going to sack the board,” he said.

“I know you have been on the board for 30 years, I want a new broom to go through and sweep it out.”

Jones is the longest serving member in the board’s history and said he was not fazed by the threat.

“Yeah, we do the job for nothing, don’t worry, we don’t mind,” says Jones.

An independent report revealed the stadium has flammable seats, not enough fire sprinklers and insufficient emergency exits.

The SCG Trust supports the $730 million redevelopment of Allianz Stadium. Picture: Jonathan Ng
The SCG Trust supports the $730 million redevelopment of Allianz Stadium. Picture: Jonathan Ng

A spokesman for the SCG Trust said trustees were “appointed by and answer to the NSW Government of the day”.

“Mr Daley’s claim that the Trustees of the SCG ‘ripped out’ the Allianz Stadium fire sprinkler system ‘under the cover of darkness’ is incorrect,” he said.

“The venue was constructed in 1988 and has never had a fire sprinkler system.

“Allianz Stadium’s fire and safety deficiencies have been confirmed by independent experts, a NSW Legislative Council parliamentary inquiry and the NSW Government.

“Access and requirements for large public venues, such as theatres and sporting venues, have changed significantly in response to global terror threat levels and upgraded safety standards around the world.

“Safety has always been and remains the No.1 priority of the Trustees and staff of the Sydney Cricket and Sports Grounds.”

An injunction about the demolition and rebuild is currently before the courts with Justice Nicola Pain to hand down her decision on March 8.

Labor has said if it wins government they will make the Sydney Sports and Cricket Ground Trust borrow the funds rather than use taxpayer’s money.

They are also suggesting a refurbishment of the current stadium rather than a demolition and rebuild.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said Mr Daley had made “a very hot-headed decision under pressure”.

“I would say, is this person fit to be the premier of NSW?” Ms Berejiklian said this morning in Penrith.

“It is not good enough to make a rash decision under pressure during a morning interview. That is not the right thing to do.

“So many people on the board are outstanding Australians, outstanding people who continue to make a fantastic contribution to NSW and to say under pressure you’re going to sack the Trust in my view is hot-headed and irresponsible.

“I noticed he had to put out a statement afterwards to confirm what was obviously a decision on the run. When you’re the premier of NSW you have to be able to handle yourself under pressure, you need to be able to make good decisions and not buckle.”

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