
Education Department responds to reports of homophobic bullying at Bellingen High.

The Advocate understands as LGBTQI students met inside a classroom, other students banged on the door and directed homophobic remarks at those inside.

Bellingen High School students walk out of school in solidarity with LGBTQI students who were subjected to homophobic bullying and harassment earlier in the month. They were also supported by members of the Bellingen community.
Bellingen High School students walk out of school in solidarity with LGBTQI students who were subjected to homophobic bullying and harassment earlier in the month. They were also supported by members of the Bellingen community.

The NSW Department of Education has responded to disturbing reports of homophobic bullying at Bellingen High School.

The incident is believed to have occurred in early June when a group of LGBTQI students meeting on school grounds were intimidated by another group of students.

The Advocate understands students repeatedly banged on the door of a room in which the LGBTQI group was meeting, while directing homophobic remarks at those inside.

The incident is believed to have prompted a pride event at the Bellingen Library, where a number of students gathered with other members of the community to take a stand against homophobia.

Bellingen High School students hold a pride event at Bellingen Library.
Bellingen High School students hold a pride event at Bellingen Library.

When asked to confirm the reports and detail the school's response the NSW Education department responded via a spokesperson. The Department was also asked to comment on whether there had been any other recent incidents of homophobic bullying.

“Any incident involving inappropriate behaviour directed towards individual students or groups of students is not tolerated and addressed under the school’s discipline policy,” the spokesperson said.

“The school is aware of one incident involving inappropriate behaviour towards a meeting of students. The students involved in that poor behaviour were disciplined.

“Regardless of the situation, the school, as a matter of practice, offers support to students it is aware of who have been subjected to inappropriate behaviour.”

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