
Importance of not over-training

What to do when your dog is the 'worst' behaved in the class.

Training a 14-week-old puppy. Picture: Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash
Training a 14-week-old puppy. Picture: Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

Question - I train my 14-week-old pup at home to do everything we have learnt at pup school but she is the worst behaved in the whole class.

She barks all the time, pulls back and won't listen.

What can I do?

Answer - Your pup may be frightened and is expressing this through barking.

You should ask your pup school facilitator if you can be positioned back from the other pups in the class to give your pup some space so that she doesn't feel so threatened.

In pup class, you should never force your pup to engage with the others.

She should be allowed to do this in her own sweet time.

She will let you know which pups she feels comfortable with.

Give lots of reinforcement when she shows quiet, calm behaviour.

It is also very important not to over-train your pup at home. Just do a couple of minutes at a time.

Do you have a training question you'd like answered? Email rachel.vercoe@coffs and Kyra will answer in following editions.

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