
Filipino family welcomed as region’s newest Aussie citizens

Emigrating from the Philippines, the young family members were beaming with Australian pride after they were granted their citizenship.

CONGRATS GUYS: Juanito, John and Sarah Custorio received their Australian citizenships on January 26, 2021. Picture: Sam Turner
CONGRATS GUYS: Juanito, John and Sarah Custorio received their Australian citizenships on January 26, 2021. Picture: Sam Turner

Fresh produce and great people were the reasons behind three members of a Filipino family applying for their Australian citizenship.

Held in Thomas Jack Park on Australia Day, the citizenship ceremony welcomed nearly two dozen people as new Australians, including three members of the Custorio family.

Father Juanito, and his two children John and Sarah were ecstatic to be finally recognised as Australians, citing “great people and food” as big contributors to wanting to be Australians.

“I’ve been for just about six years and the kids nearly three years,” Mr Custorio said.

“It’s a good land here, and we couldn’t wait to move over here from the Philippines.”


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John and Sarah wanted to really stress the importance of food in their decision to emigrate from overseas, with John saying there’s just “so much” to choose from.

“The people are just a lot nicer here too I feel, with the situation of everything being just great,” John said.

Now heading into Year 12, and Sarah into Year six, John said he’s keen to join the Australian Army Reserves following his graduation at the end of the year.

The Custorios have even purchased their new family home in Miles in September, with Mr Custorio being adamant they won’t be “going anywhere” anytime soon.

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