
Celebrity chef Pete Evans supports anti-vaxxer Paul Chek on social media

Celebrity chef Pete Evans has come out in support of well known anti-vaxxer Paul Chek who has not vaccinated his own children and supports a widely panned conspiracy movement.

JMo eats the new Pete Evans dog food

Anti-fluoride, anti-sunscreen, anti-dairy celebrity chef Pete Evans has now revealed his anti-vaccination stripes in a post supporting well known anti-vaxxer Paul Chek who has not vaccinated his own children and supports the widely panned conspiracy movement Vaxxed.

Chek, a ‘holistic health practitioner’, exercise coach and “registered Native American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man” has claimed ‘your health is being stolen’ due to vaccinations. Mr Chek endorses the Vaxxed documentary view that immunisation causes autism, a link that has been disproved in over 100 large epidemiological studies.

Mr Evans, the My Kitchen Rules star, posted his endorsement of Paul Chek’s recent podcast with Dr Sherri Tenpenny to his 1.5 million Facebook followers and 207,000 Instagram followers.

‘Paleo’ Pete Evans. Picture: Steve Pohlner
‘Paleo’ Pete Evans. Picture: Steve Pohlner
Paul Chek.
Paul Chek.


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“One of the most important podcasts to listen to. Thanks @paul.chek for asking the questions that need to be asked about vaccines and medicine,” he posted.

Chek interviews Sherri Tenpenny in the podcast. Tenpenny is an American osteopath and anti-vaccination activist who had her visa cancelled in 2015 because she planned to visit Australia to deliver lectures warning parents not to vaccinate their children. She grew up in a ‘chiropractic family’ and was never vaccinated.

Paul Chek said she was “one of the go-to experts in the anti-vaccine movement” and he had followed her advice with regards to his child.

The podcast clearly perpetuates myths about vaccines.

Evans posted his support for Chek’s podcast on Instagram and Facebook.
Evans posted his support for Chek’s podcast on Instagram and Facebook.

Mr Evans has been coy about his vaccination stance but has hosted the likes of David Avocado Wolfe at his home on the far north coast of NSW. David Wolfe, a flat-earther, is also an anti vaccine activist.

Followers immediately congratulated Mr Evans for ‘coming out’ including Miranda Kerr’s mother Therese who has questioned vaccines in the past.

“The truth sets us completely free, oppression and censorship doesn’t. The media will no doubt have a field day. The tide is turning. Even though there is a last-ditch effort to counteract free thinking and questioning in relation to vaccines, people are waking up to the real possibilities of harm through vaccinations. Choice should never be taken from us,” Mrs Kerr wrote, adding struck off doctor Andrew Wakefield, who fraudulently made the link between vaccines and autism, who is also the producer of Vaxxed “was made the scapegoat”

“Chef Pete you ROCK! Thank you for finally coming out!

Miranda Kerr’s mother Therese responded positively to Evans’ post. Picture: Facebook
Miranda Kerr’s mother Therese responded positively to Evans’ post. Picture: Facebook

“You’re a god send Pete! Thank you for your courage and bravery. I’m sure the media will have a field day over this” another wrote.

“Hallelujah Pete … you are amazing and brave to stand up to an issue that is extremely misunderstood,” another posted.

Australian Medical Association President Tony Bartone said vaccination had saved millions of lives and celebrity chefs should stick to cooking, not medical advice.

“When it comes to cooking he’s an expert, but information about vaccination he should refer to the experts and keep quite,” Dr Bartone said.

Vaccination campaigner Catherine Hughes, whose four-week-old son Riley died of whooping cough, said she was very disappointed in Mr Evans.

“It’s clear Pete has been involved in the anti-vax movement, it does not come as a shock he is posting anti-vax stuff on his Facebook

“I’m sure he is a wonderful l cook but he is not a health professional and it’s disappointing to see him use his celebrity platform to sprout crazy anti-vax theories because it threatens our children,” Mrs Hughes.

Mr Evans did not return calls.

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