
Elderly residents, family and community fighting closure of Feros Village Byron Bay

A 95-year-old resident who has spoken out against the looming closure of a Byron Bay aged care village says she’s shocked to be moved on and will fight to the end.

Feros Village Byron Bay residents play musical instruments as the preschoolers dance around them in a file image.
Feros Village Byron Bay residents play musical instruments as the preschoolers dance around them in a file image.

A 95-year-old resident protesting to stop the imminent closure of a Byron Bay aged care village says she’s shocked to be moved on and will fight to the end.

Feros Village Byron Bay is set to close its doors, despite a rally at Marvell Hall in the town on Sunday.

Feros Care was founded in Byron in the 1960s, according to the national aged care and disability services provider.

Village resident Kate Smorti, 95, speaking against the closure. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.
Village resident Kate Smorti, 95, speaking against the closure. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.

While half of the facility’s 40 or so residents have already moved or made plans to relocate in coming days, some are furious about the decision and digging in their heels.

Resident Kate Smorti, 95, said she could not believe Feros Care was forcing elderly people to pack up and leave.

“I feel shocked … do these people on the board think they’re not going to get old?” she said.

“What’s going to happen to them when they get old?

“I’m not going. I’ll be the last one out.”

The aged care village on March 14.
The aged care village on March 14.

The facility is closing because “it does not conform with the required government standards” and cannot be upgraded”, a Feros Care spokesperson said.

“There is a misapprehension among some passionate defenders of the home who believe it can somehow be saved in its present form and use,” they said.

Feros Care has promised: “No resident will be left without accommodation.”

“Some residents have already moved to Feros Care in Bangalow and Feros Care in Wommin Bay,” the spokesperson said.

Feros Care plans to redevelop the site into an “intergenerational living facility”.

Ballina MP Tamara Smith residents were “traumatised” and “devastated”.

She did not know why the facility could not be brought up to scratch, but called “for Feros care to move on” and added that “the land and the infrastructure belongs to the Crown”.

Residents, family and members of the comminity at the protest. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.
Residents, family and members of the comminity at the protest. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.

“I don’t support the facility being morphed into something else,” she said.

Protester and relative of one of the aged care residents, Dianne Brien said the closure was “disgusting” and she was “shattered”.

“After hearing the announcement … people were crying, shaking, shocked and incredibly upset,” she said.

The protest underway. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.
The protest underway. Picture: Jacqui Walsh.

“This village does not belong to Feros, it belongs to our community … we, the community, built this village and we, the community, will save this village.”

A petition to help the residents of the aged care village has attracted more than 1100 signatures.

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