

How to speak like an Outlaw 1%’er: The ultimate bikie dictionary

WHAT is the difference between an “old lady” and a “hangaround”? And how can a bikie “retire”? Learn how to speak like an outlaw with our bikie-to-English dictionary.

Strike Force Raptor has brought bikie gangs to their knees

JUST as much slang stems from areas of life concerning honour and law, so it is with bikie-speak. The following is the lexicon of how to talk like a bikie, according to cops — based on intercepted phone call and police intelligence gleaned from the scene over the years.

1% The symbol used exclusively by Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMCG). This is a primary, although not definitive, identifier of an OMCG. It is extremely important, although ultimately not essential, to classify a motorcycle club as “outlaw”.

“BROTHER’S KEEPER” & “ONE IN, ALL IN” These terms are widely used on patches and tattoos within the OMCG environment — advertising the concept of an organised group whose membership is invested in protecting the exclusivity of membership.

CHAPTER/CHARTER A local division of the larger OMCG. Similar to a franchise, a Chapter (sometimes known as a Charter) is the representation of an OMCG’s presence in, and often control of, a geographical area.

Rival motor cycle gang members participate in a protest ride against government moves to ban outlaw bikie gangs.
Rival motor cycle gang members participate in a protest ride against government moves to ban outlaw bikie gangs.

CLUBHOUSE Used as a meeting place and for storage of alcohol, drugs and firearms. Most club houses come complete with bars, stripper poles, a “Member’s Only” area and club photos and memorabilia on the walls.

E.F.O. Acronym for the phrase “Everyone f ... off”.

E.G.F Acronym for “Everyone gets fed”.

FEEDER CLUB In addition to Support/Puppet Clubs that mimic the dominant OMCG to a significant degree, groups of men also associate in a looser, more informal way in support of an OMCG. Such associations might be more appropriately likened to a “street gang”.

FULL PATCH The three patches that make up a configuration which signifies full membership status of an OMCG. Pieces of the Full Patch are “earned” incrementally as a man traverses initiation.


FTW Acronym for the phrase “F ... the world.

HANGAROUND A person who has considerably more access to the OMCG than a general member of the public would but who is not considered a member.

Various NSW OMCG members in Sydney.
Various NSW OMCG members in Sydney.

HIERARCHY PATCHES: The position of a man in the general hierarchy of the OMCG is often reflected in the proportion of the “three piece patch” he has obtained.

LIFE MEMBER Generally who has served a minimum of 10 years as a member of the OMCG and may be entitled to a certain privileges or exemptions and a higher status within the organisation.

MEMBER: A man who has successfully passed through the recruitment/initiation periods for joining an OMCG and has the support of a strong majority, if not unanimous support, of the full Members may be voted to full Membership and receive his Full Patch.

NOMINEE: A man deemed to be possibly suitable for full Membership in an OMCG is required to complete a qualifying period of usually up to 24 months. He may be entitled to wear a portion of the OMCGs three piece patch. He does not have any of the right of a Full Member and is required to perform menial duties for the OMCG and full Members. A successful Nominee can “earn” his Full Patch during this period.

OFFICE BEARERS In addition to general hierarchy the gang’s officer bearers refer to “the president”, “vice-president”, “sergeant-at-arms” “secretary”, “treasurer” and “road captain”.

O.F.F.O. An acronym used by bikie clubs which stands for O (gang’s initial) F (Forever) F (Forever) O (gang’s initials) — for example RFFR for Rebels, BFFB for Bandidos and AFFA for Hells Angels.

OLD LADY A woman who marries a member of a gang.

ONE PERCENTER: A Full Patch Member of an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang.

“OUT IN BAD STANDING” A member who is expelled — most commonly for breaking particular rules or failing to successfully complete the initiation period.

OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG OR “OMCG”: A motorcycle club which purposely sets itself apart from the majority of the motorcycling community and the community at large as being “outlaws”. They operate from the fundamental position that they are not bound by the same laws or social norms as the rest of society. They are involved in serious, violent and organised crime and pose a significant risk to public order and safety.

PATCH A cloth badge sewn to a member’s motorcycle jacket or vest. The “club patch” is a cloth badge depicting the logo or symbol of a particular “OMCG”.

PATCH-OVER When an individual or a Chapter leaves one OMCG in order to join another. It has historically been a great offence to “patch over” and continues to be the main catalyst for violence between rival OMCGs.

Trouble between Finks and Nomads has concerned Hunter Valley police.
Trouble between Finks and Nomads has concerned Hunter Valley police.

PATCH CLUBS: Three-piece cloth patch worn on the back of a member’s motorcycle jacket. It consists of a “top rocker” being a curved cloth patch bearing the name of the gang and a “bottom rocker” denoting either the country name of the name of the chapter the member belongs to. The third patch sits between “the rockers” and has the gang’s emblem or logo and are commonly called “colours”.

PRESIDENT: An elected position with an OMCG which may be at Chapter, State, National or International level. President has absolute authority over his area of responsibility.

PROBATIONARY: An interim stage of the recruitment process between the Nominee period and Full Membership. The prospective member moves up in status but is usually still denied any voting rights or right to attend club meetings.

PROSPECT See “Nominee” (some OMCGs use the term “Prospect” rather than “Nominee”, however the terms are synonymous).

“PROPERTY O F”: A woman who is married to an OMCG member may wear a patch that identifies her as “property of” that member. The “property of” patch is rare in Australia, but very common in the US.

PUPPET CLUB Motorcycle clubs whose members closely replicate those of the OMCG they support. They tend to share a number of qualities with the OMCG and their existence is sanctioned by the dominant OMCG.

RETIRED MEMBER: A member who has completed a period of membership of sufficient length and who, for varying reasons, seeks be exempted from strict adherence to the rules. Some OMCGs allow these people to “retire”, however they remain members are still treated as Members and are still entitled to the benefits of Membership. They are exempt for attending weekly meetings and paying fees.

Members of various NSW motorcycle clubs ride on State Parliament in Sydney to protest the proposed anti-bikie laws.
Members of various NSW motorcycle clubs ride on State Parliament in Sydney to protest the proposed anti-bikie laws.

ROAD CAPTAIN An elected position which usually occurs at Chapter level and is responsible for organising “runs”.

RUNS: An organised motorcycle ride to a designated destination, often with designated stops and which sometimes have a competitive component. Most OMCGs have a “National Run” which are generally mandatory for all members.

SECRETARY/TREASURER: an elected position within an OMCG responsible for keeping minutes of all club meetings and managing the club financial affairs.




SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Usually an elected officer of an OMCG held at Chapter, State, National or International level and responsible for discipline of members and formulating and coordinates attacks on rival motorcycle clubs during times of conflict.

SOCIAL CLUBs: A significant number of OMCG Support Clubs label themselves as ‘Social Clubs”. Although they do not wear 1% or three-patches, their motorcycle jackets are adorned with patches which advertise their support of the dominant OMCG.

TATTOOS: OMCGS have specific rules about which types of gang tattoos may be acquired and at which stage of a member’s involvement in the gang. OMCGs requote members to have their tattoos removed if they leave the club.

TERRITORY: A geographical area, also popularly referred to as “turf”, claimed by an OMCG as being under its “Control”. The “Control” referred to can be in relation to presence, legitimate business interests and illegal activities.

Members hide their identities during a Hells Angels bikie run.
Members hide their identities during a Hells Angels bikie run.

THREE PIECE PATCH: A configuration of three cloth patches worn on the back of a member’s motorcycle jacket. These consist of a “top rocker” being a curved cloth patch bearing the name of the gang and a “bottom rocker” denoting either “Australia” or the name of the chapter the member belongs to.

TURF OR TERRITORY: A geographical area claimed as a gang’s territory. Control of territory is vigorously defended and territorial disputes often erupt in violence.

VICE-PRESIDENT: An elected position within an OMCG which may be at Chapter, State, National or International level. The office supports the President in ensuring decisions are enacted and will replace the President in his absence.

“WAR WAGON” OR “CRASH TRUCK” A vehicle filled with weapons to assault rival gang members. Can include pick handles, baseball bats, edge trimmers, tyre levers, tomahawks and axes.

X: Some OMCGs, like Hells Angels, allow a member leaving in good standing to have an “X” tattooed through their Hells Angels tattoos with the date they left tattooed near it.

13 A common number featured on gang patches and tattoos. The number 13 resembles the letter M, which can stand for a number of things including “motorcycle”, “marijuana” or “methylamphetamine”, which indicates a member sells those drugs.

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