
Spirit of Christmas will bring peace to the world

Most of us will be travelling during the Christmas holidays, even if we're simply driving to the local mall and negotiating parking.

Give the gift of peace and love
Give the gift of peace and love

Most of us will be travelling during the Christmas holidays, even if we're simply driving to the local mall and negotiating parking. Whichever mode of transport we take, we'll be affected by the actions of others.

Although travel can be frustrating at times, I'm finding there are always affirmative, upbeat things to notice as we go: the excited faces of children, the courtesy of others, and the patience of parents and travel staff.

However, the presence of harmony in human affairs is not something that happens by mere accident, in a universe of chance. It is actually evidence that the underlying power that governs the universe is Love.

The birth of Jesus Christ beautifully illustrated that power. Despite threat of harm by King Herod, Love provided for the travellers and the ensuing birth, comfort and care in a very safe and private place.

The more consciously we acknowledge that divine Love is governing us and everyone, the more harmony we will experience, too.

Jesus' profound mission was to make plain our divine nature as "the children of God." So, whenever we glimpse ours or another's true nature, we have, in effect felt "the Christ", "the divine message from God to men…", as thought-leader Mary Baker Eddy defines the Christ in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

That voice speaks to everyone, and at all times of the year. When we have done the right thing instead of the wrong, we have been directed by the Christ. When we have been patient instead of irritable, we have conceded to the dynamism of the Christ.

When we have made a sound choice among several tempting options, we have listened to the Christ and we have seen the true love that's characteristic of Christianity in action.

During the Christmas Season many of us revisit the life of Jesus, who so completely demonstrated this power of the Christ to bring out harmony in everyday life.

The wonder of his virgin birth was not an isolated miracle but evidence of a spiritual law in operation that was confirmed by the healing works later evident in his adult life.

Today, more and more people are recognising that his life, although unique and especially blessed, points to a way of living and thinking that's actually available to each of us.

Indeed, seeing beyond the limits of nationalism and religiosity to the universal Christ is at the heart of Christianity. Truly supranational, the message of "the Christ," in Jesus' words, was for us to be "of one mind," "love your enemies," "bless them that curse you," and realise "the kingdom of God is within you" and within all.

From this viewpoint, we can claim that same spiritual nature Jesus exemplified as ours also, and that of every man, woman and child we meet in our travels this Christmas.

There's really no secret to experiencing harmony in the carpark, on a long-haul flight or during a family get-together. It may largely depend on how we think of ourselves and others.

Kay Stroud writes on the connection between consciousness, spirituality and health, and trends in that field. She practices Christian Science healing and is the Committee on Publication, spokesperson for Christian Science in NSW, QLD, ACT, NT. Blog: Twitter: @KayJStroud

Originally published as Spirit of Christmas will bring peace to the world

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