
Council gets tough with new wedding venue rules

Do you live near a function centre? Do you operate one? Council is about to open the discussion on what is the right balance.

Council announced new regulation to wedding venues and semirural areas may restrict the number of days the events can go ahead in the Ballina Shire.
Council announced new regulation to wedding venues and semirural areas may restrict the number of days the events can go ahead in the Ballina Shire.

New regulations to wedding venues and semirural areas may restrict the number of days a year the events can go ahead in the Ballina Shire.

The proposed new set of rules will be exhibited publicly by the council shortly.

This is one of five topics approved by council in their last meeting:

1. Planning Proposal - Rural Function Centres

New proposed regulations for wedding and function centres in the Ballina Shire will go on public exhibition soon.

The changes to the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 will try to minimise "adverse impacts associated with function centres" in the area.

The planning proposal will prohibit function centres within the RU2 zone land, while making them permissible "on the basis of a three year-limited development consent, subject to the satisfaction of relevant heads of consent and supporting development standards," council documents stated.

Another amendment would limit the number of days the land can use as a function centre from 52 days a year to just 14.

For permission to be granted, council will have to be satisfied that the development will not be a convention centre, exhibition centre or music festival; be small scale and low impact; not generate noise, traffic, parking or light spill to residential surrounding areas; and nor impair the surrounding land for agriculture or rural industry.

The new regulation would also mean that no more than one event could be held at the location per weekend, no more than 20 events in 12 months, and no more than 150 guests will be permitted at any given time.

All attending councillors voted unanimously to approve this matter to be exhibited.



Wedding venues in semirural zones may have new regulations imposed by council.
Wedding venues in semirural zones may have new regulations imposed by council.


2. Bulwinkel Park, Alstonville:

Council agreed to allocate $25,000 to the removal of the existing structure and provision of a new shelter and seating at Bulwinkel Park, Alstonville.

This fund will be sourced from the $382,000 allocated to community halls / facilities / BBQs and shade shelters, through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program.

After this is completed, a landscape architect from council will provide assistance to plan a future design for the park, in particular near the riverbank.

The motion by Cr Sharon Cadwallader was approved unanimously.


3. Fossil Fuel Divestment motion at LGNSW and ALGA:

Ballina councillors agreed to send a motion to Local Government NSW and the Australian Local Government Association to move away from fossil fuel-aligned investments.

"This campaign / strategy is to examine options that will encourage one or more of the major banks to stop lending to the fuel fossil industry, by highlighting the opportunities that may exist for such a bank, through local government, as an industry, placing their investments and loans with that bank, particularly when the total investments and loans held by local government is valued in the billions of dollars," the motion will state.

This motion by Cr Jeff Johnson was approved with votes by councillors Wright, Parry, Johnson, Williams and Smith.

A related motion for Ballina Shire to walk away from fossil fuel-aligned investments was rejected at the meeting.


4. Industrial Building, Gymnasium and Take Away Premises:

A development was approved to build an industrial complex on part of a vacant industrial lot, Lot 8 DP 1262723, Ascot Rd, Ballina.

Operating hours will be 24 hours / 7 days a week.

The project will include two industrial buildings, a gymnasium and a take away food and drink shop.

The two buildings were approved for general or light industry.

In order to approve the project, councillors have to approve for the buildings to have a maximum height of 9.997m, an exception to the 8.5m maximum height standard under the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012.

All councillors at the meeting voted unanimously.


5. Cumbalum Interchange:

Ballina Shire Council will invite the Minister Transport and Roads NSW, Andrew Constance, to an on-site discussion on the construction of north (off) and south (on) ramps at the Cumbalum - Pacific Motorway interchange.

The meeting will also include traffic capacity in Ballina generally, as a Regional Growth Centre.

Should an on-site meeting not be able to be organised, that Council seek a deputation meeting with the Minister.

All councillors present voted unanimously.


6. Housing Affordability Strategy:

Councillors agreed that council should examine the option of creating a consultative group, consisting of key housing stakeholders on housing affordability.

This will be done to develop of the housing affordability strategy, which is part of the 2020/21 Operational Plan,

The idea is that stakeholders inform the strategy and to provide ongoing input and feedback into the implementation of the strategy.

All councillors present voted unanimously.

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