True cost of Albo’s promises revealed
A new report has given a fresh analysis of the government’s election commitments, revealing the true cost of Labor’s big promises.
A new report has given a fresh analysis of the government’s election commitments, revealing the true cost of Labor’s big promises.
The pain at the petrol bowser is only tipped to get worse but one MP had demanded the government intervene.
Australians hoping for an end to the price pinch have been issued a grim warning from the Treasurer.
As Australians struggle with a cost of living crisis, the Treasurer has flagged bigger cuts are on the way.
BLOG RECAP: In a blog with readers, Scott Morrison answered your questions on the bank levy, drug testing for the dole and more Budget policies.
WELFARE recipients who fail drug tests connected to their benefits can escape prosecution, even if a drugged-out dole bludger gets in a car to drive away after a positive test.
PHARMACISTS were the biggest winners from Tuesday’s budget, scoring more than $40,000 each in taxpayers’ money … and it was all for doing nothing.
FIRST-home buyers are unlikely to take up the new incentive to help save deposits quickly after a previous scheme failed miserably, industry experts say.
THE cost of roll your own tobacco is set to mirror that of manufactured cigarettes as the government moves to deter more people, especially the young, from smoking.
AUSSIES are being told to brace for higher mortgage rates and a whack to retirement savings as they bear the brunt of an escalating war between the Turnbull Government and big banks.
EXCLUSIVE: Malcolm Turnbull has urged Australians to walk away from the big banks if they jack up interest rates and fees to make customers pay their surprise new $6.2 billion tax bill.
FEDERAL Minister Christopher Pyne has lashed the State Government for not bothering “to submit a proper business case” for one single project amid anger over lack of infrastructure spending for SA in the Budget.
THE average working family on $120,000 a year will lose another $600 when the Turnbull Government jacks up the Medicare levy from 2019. See how much you will pay.
SNOWY Hydro 2.0 was announced with much fanfare this year as a solution to Australia’s energy woes but last night’s Budget didn’t put aside any money for it.
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