How first home buyers are becoming landlords
An investment-first trend is increasing among home buyers as high prices and interest rates impact housing affordability.
An investment-first trend is increasing among home buyers as high prices and interest rates impact housing affordability.
Our retirement savings system is low-tax and among the world’s best, but sometimes it should be shunned. Here’s why.
Investment experts deliver their latest buy, hold and sell recommendations for Australian listed companies.
After a mixed reporting season, the payments now begin for share investors, but experts say the outlook is cloudy. See the timetable.
Hefty new taxes on US imports from various countries was a Trump election platform, but what does it mean for your shares?
Shares surged higher in 2024 and their returns will be tough to repeat in 2025, but other investment opportunities appear attractive.
The wealth gap between people with big home loans and people with big bank deposits has widened, and will expand further.
Retiree couples today need almost $9500 a year more for a comfortable retirement than in 2021, but some relief has arrived.
Surging living costs have put a dampener on many households’ festive season plans, but experts say it’s still possible to party.
Aussie superannuation balances have passed $4 trillion, but we’re losing ground in some global measurements. There are key reasons for this.
Wall Street’s bulls hauled Aussie shares higher in November, and these recommendations might help investors decide their next moves.
Is your car more valuable than your life and income? Research by a life insurance group suggests many Aussies think so.
Real estate investors are painted as greedy money-grabbers, but in reality they are much more likely to live on your street and earn a wage similar to you.
Australia’s age pension pays singles $29,754 and couples $44,855 annually, but many lose some unnecessarily. Here’s why.
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