Landlords must take care when managing tenants themselves
Landlords who try to take a solo approach to managing investment property tenants need to beware of the consequences, real estate specialists say.
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A large chunk of Australia’s 2.2 million residential property investors are taking a do-it-yourself approach to managing their tenants.
Almost 30 per cent don’t pay or don’t claim property agent fees on their tax returns, according to a MoneysaverHQ analysis of the latest Australian Taxation Office data.
Queensland properties are the most likely to be professionally managed (82 per cent) while for Victoria and NSW it’s about 75 per cent, and it’s below 65 per cent in SA, WA, Tasmania and the Northern Territory.
Property specialists warn that going it alone could be more costly unless you have plenty of time and knowledge of your state’s property and tenancy laws.
Metropole Property Strategists CEO Michael Yardney said many novice investors managed property themselves “in an often futile bid to save money”.
“While some may be able to fulfil this role successfully, in my experience, there are far too many rules and regulations, not to mention variables such as human emotions, that make this option fraught with danger,” he said.
“The better path to take is to employ a professional property manager because looking after investment properties is what they do best and their fees are relatively small – and tax deductible.”
Ongoing management fees are typically 7-8 per cent of collected rent, but can be as low as 5 per cent or as high as 15-25 per cent for short-term or student accommodation.
Letting fees are usually one or two weeks of standard rent, plus there can be marketing fees, inspection and lease renewal fees, repairs and maintenance costs, and tribunal appearance fees.
Prime Property Strategies director Sasha Holland said local markets often dictated what you paid in management fees.
“Make sure that all these fees are clearly set out in your agreement including whether fees are including or excluding GST,” she said.
Ms Holland said your time commitments often shaped your decision.
“Personally with a family and two businesses to take care of, I chose to leave my portfolio management to carefully selected property managers,” she said.
“Although I have known many people who have managed and continue to manage their own properties successfully, the majority of investors in my experience soon head back to a property manager.”
Terri Scheer Insurance executive manager Carolyn Parrella said self-managing landlords “will need to find the time to screen tenants, conduct regular property inspections, ensure rent is being paid on time and be on call to attend to maintenance issues”.
Sometimes landlords and property managers don’t gel.
Ms Holland said switching was not hard and usually required written notice 30-90 days before termination.
“Don’t make it personal … just remember this is a business decision,” she said. And make sure the tenants are told.
Mr Yardney said your new property manager should handle all the transfer paperwork.
“Many investors opt for the real estate agent who sold them their property,” he said.
“While they may be great selling agents, that doesn’t mean their team are good property managers.”
Originally published as Landlords must take care when managing tenants themselves