
Kochie recalls the saddest money mistakes he has seen

BAD financial decisions and secrets can tear families apart. David Koch looks back at some of the worst he has seen.

Tip 28: Money Mistakes

THERE are just so many heart wrenching stories out there about money. We love hearing from our readers but so many of their tales are just so sad.

Unfortunately many of these scenarios are more common than you’d think. Fortunately most can be avoided by discipline, common sense and thinking with your head rather than your heart.

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Heartache 1; Husband leaves his wife after keeping her in the dark about family finances

Our experience is men can be extraordinarily domineering and protective about managing the family finances. At its extreme it can be financial bullying while at the other end of the scale it can be a misguided sense of loyalty.

Either way, keeping a partner ignorant of the family finances is positively dangerous.

If a husband dies suddenly, or walks out on the relationship, the wife is extraordinarily vulnerable. We’ve had cases where surviving wives have been abandoned with no knowledge of bank details, investments, wills or insurance documents.

Solution; If you’re in a situation where you’re excluded from the family finances, demand your partner share all financial information and explain where important documents are kept.

A common response is “don’t you trust me?” It’s not a matter of trust it’s a matter of love and safety if they get hit by the proverbial bus.

If your partner still refuses to share information you should seriously question the whole relationship.

Heartache 2; Lending money, or going guarantor, for an adult child

Sure you want to be a good parent and supportive of adult children in their new venture or buying a house. But that doesn’t mean putting your entire financial future and retirement at risk.

We know so many people who’ve lent money, or went guarantor, for a child and have lost their entire retirement savings.

If a bank won’t lend a child money for a business venture or a house why should you? The bank doesn’t think it’s a good idea and they’re the experts.

Solution; Don’t lend to family or friends … simple.

But if you do, make sure it is on a proper business footing. Get them to sign a loan agreement, which clearly sets out the terms and the repayment schedule, just like a bank does. Even take security over an asset as extra safety.

If you’re going guarantor make sure the guarantee is limited and not open ended so any damage is restricted.

Protect yourself and your family from a financial storm: Artwork by Terry Pontikos.
Protect yourself and your family from a financial storm: Artwork by Terry Pontikos.

Heartache 3; Person risks everything, and loses, without telling their partner.

A partner gets caught up with the high flyers at the golf club, gets sucked into a dodgy investment which the cohort is boasting about, borrows to keep up, the investment tanks and loses everything.

It’s an awful scenario. We know of one couple where the wife only found out about the deal when the bank foreclosed on their house.

Solution; successful relationships are based on transparency, honesty and teamwork. That also goes for money issues.

Set rules where no investment decision above a certain amount can be made without the agreement of both people. All loan documents must be fully explained before signing.

We reckon that if every couple spent just 15 minutes a month talking together about their money then a lot of the problems would be solved. Talk about your financial values and goals while having setting a long term plan.

Heartache 4; Estate planning which splits the family

For a lot of senior Australians the mystery of their estate is used as a way to influence and tempt their adult children. The prospect of a will windfall can be a powerful tool to buy attention and kindness.

But because of the mystery and expectation, the eventual unveiling of the contents of a will can trigger disappointment, crazy conditions, unexpected tax bills and split a once happy group of siblings.

We know one family where the will left the entire estate to the oldest adult son with the condition he “look after his siblings” who were all married. What does that mean? What a nightmare.

Solution; For the good of ongoing family harmony a will shouldn’t be secret. Parents and their kids should be completely open about the contents particularly if there are business assets and extensive investments involved.

Heartache 4; Running out of money in retirement

You’ve worked hard, stashed money away for retirement and are confident that you’re lifestyle will be comfortable. But then a Global Finance Crisis appears, corporate collapses roll out and the value of the nest egg drops significantly.

Retirement is in tatters. You’re faced with the prospect of slashing your lifestyle or going back to work.

Steer clear of the mistakes that can ruin relationships.
Steer clear of the mistakes that can ruin relationships.

Solution; Good professional financial advice. The advice should be sought while building that retirement nest egg, once you retire and during retirement.

Talk to a qualified financial planner, accountant or stockbroker. Start with the planners at your bank or superannuation fund and broaden to members of the Financial Planning Association to find the best for you.

Heartache 5; Under insured

So many of our heart wrenching stories centre around a financial catastrophe for which there has been no insurance as a safety net. They say insurance premiums are expensive, except when you have to claim.

An uninsured house is destroyed by fire, long term illness without income protection cover, death of a breadwinner without life insurance. The financial consequences can cripple a family for life.

Solution; assess your financial obligations and the value of your assets and life. Then talk to an insurance broker to find the most cost effective cover. Do it now.


. Wesley Creditline 1800 808 488

. Financial Counsellors Association in your State

. your bank financial planner

. independent financial planner

. accountant

. solicitor

Originally published as Kochie recalls the saddest money mistakes he has seen

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