
How an addiction to to-do lists can help make you rich

A TO-DO list can stop you forgetting important stuff, but can be a much more powerful tool when it comes to getting rich and achieving your goals in life.

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I HAVE a weird addiction, and there’s a good chance that you — or someone close to you — has something similar.

It’s lists. Or more specifically, writing to-do lists and doing mini mental fist pumps as each item is crossed off.

Whether it’s jobs at work, chores at home or a life goal list including snowball fights in Dubai and an Elvis wedding in Las Vegas, I can’t resist lists.

More than half of the developed world’s population keep at least one to-do list, global studies have found. That’s because they make people feel good. And there’s science to prove it.

My slight embarrassment about my to-do list addiction was eased last week when I read about how dopamine works.

It’s a natural brain chemical connected to our feelings of pleasure and motivation, and it gets released even when we have small successes, like completing a task on a to-do list.

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For list addicts like me, this can create odd behaviour such as doing a task, then adding it to the list, then immediately crossing it off to get the dopamine hit. Ooh yeah.

Research shows that making lists of things of goals increases your chances of achieving them.

An old Harvard University study of graduate students asked them if they had set written goals for their future. Ten years later the same students were surveyed, and the 13 per cent who had written goals were earning twice as much as the others.

Travel is one of the most popular items on bucket lists, but how do you pay for it?
Travel is one of the most popular items on bucket lists, but how do you pay for it?

Lists provide a map of where you want to go. If you don’t know your destination, how can you get there?

Longer-term lists add spice to life. Think about your ultimate experiences and write them down. It may be travel, health or exercise, learning new skills, creative stuff, big toys such as boats and caravans, or family-related dreams.

Aim high. One of the best quotes I’ve read was “When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either”.

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You can have a separate financial to-do list or include them in your broader bucket list. But when setting financial goals, don’t simply write down huge ones that can seem impossible to reach.

For example, a written goal to “have $2 million of investments” is just plain scary for someone starting out. So write down the financial steps needed to get there.

Breaking down big money goals into smaller bite-sized chunks might include things such as paying an extra $50 a week off a home loan, pumping an extra $20 a week into superannuation through salary sacrifice, buying a rental property using equity in your home, starting a share portfolio, or contributing $100 a month to an investment fund.

All these small goals can deliver huge benefits over time. Using the power of compound interest and investment growth of 8 per cent annually, that $50 a week becomes $40,000 in 10 years, $127,000 in 20 years and $323,000 in 30 years.

Not all addictions are bad for you.


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