
John Wayne Bobbitt claims he has slept with 70 women since wife cut off his penis

JOHN Wayne Bobbitt, the man who famously had his penis cut off by his ex-wife, has claimed the incident improved his love life and he's slept with 70 women since.

Lorena Bobbitt
Lorena Bobbitt

A MAN who had his penis reattached after it was cut off in an attack by his ex-wife says it has helped improve his sex life.

John Wayne Bobbitt claims to have slept with 70 women since the incident in 1993. This is despite doctors at the time telling him he would never be able to have sex again.

“Being the most famous man to have his penis chopped off does have its advantages. It definitely has not hurt my love life - in fact it improved it,” Bobbitt told the British newspaper The Sun.

“I guess some women got a kick out of saying they slept with John Wayne Bobbitt.”

Bobbitt's ex-wife Lorena cut off his penis with a kitchen knife while he slept at the couple's home in Virginia. She told a court he had come home earlier in the evening drunk and raped her.

After the attack she took his severed member and threw it in a field, shortly afterwards calling emergency services to confess what she had done. After extensive surgery Bobbitt, 46, had his penis reattached.  

“Can you imagine something like that happening to you? I was in shock," he told The Sun.

“After the knife sliced through, I lost a huge amount of blood.

“At some point I passed out cold. When I came round I was being prepared for surgery."

He was acquitted of raping his ex-wife, who was herself found not guilty of malicious wounding on the grounds of temporary insanity.

The Bobbit case made headlines around the world, turning the ex-marine in to a household name. Capitalising on his new-found fame he launched a career as a porn star.

In the intervening years he remarried twice and was twice arrested for assaulting women. He claims he has reformed after discovering God. He is planning to marry for a fourth time. 

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