
My Travel CV: Traveller's traumatic toilet paper mistake

This travel entrepreneur is a fan of sustainability, but she draws the line at nature’s toilet paper.

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Sustainability and inclusiveness are top of the list for travel entrepreneur Jen Clark. This is her Travel CV:

I got my first passport when…

I was 12, from memory. My family was contemplating a move to Malaysia, so it was in preparation for that.

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My first holiday memory is…

Going to a fantastic holiday house in Tawonga, Victoria, that had bunks. At age five or six they were a major drawcard.

I’ve been to eight countries…

The US, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Fiji and Thailand. I’ve been incredibly lucky. I adore New Zealand, particularly the South Island and its incredible natural landscape, which is so majestic and still relatively untouched – what I imagine heaven would be like. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up living there at some stage.

My favourite place in Australia is…

Melbourne. It’s home and I always take a deep breath when I arrive back after a holiday – it’s familiar and comfortable, like putting on your favourite pair of slippers.

My favourite place in Australia is Melbourne. It’s home.
My favourite place in Australia is Melbourne. It’s home.

The place I’d rather be right now is…

Anywhere warm and sunny, preferably in nature, close to a swimming pool or a beach.

The place I’ve visited most often is…

New York. I was obsessed with going there as a young person and have been lucky enough to visit three times. Each visit was different, although the last visit, where I got to experience the vibrant outer boroughs including Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Park Slope, along with the (at the time) newly opened High Line, was a definite highlight.

What I’ve noticed has changed in travel...

People are seeking more meaningful holiday experiences and making travel decisions that better align with their values.

The place that didn’t live up to expectations was Niagara Falls. I had no idea what a prolific gambling town it was.
The place that didn’t live up to expectations was Niagara Falls. I had no idea what a prolific gambling town it was.

The place that most surprised me was…

Bandung, Indonesia. I set up a second studio there as part of my design practice, Jen Clark Design, and no one I knew had ever been there before. What a melting pot of arts and culture and exceptional food. I was shocked at the absence of western tourists there. It was like uncovering a rare gem.

The place that didn’t live up to expectations…

Niagara Falls. I had no idea what a prolific gambling town it was. The gambling venues for me completely overshadowed the magic of the falls.

The advice I’d give to young travellers is…

Travel consciously, always being mindful about your environmental/social footprint and supporting local communities. And keep fighting for a more inclusive travel sector.

The sickest I’ve been on holiday was during a visit to Koh Samui, Thailand.
The sickest I’ve been on holiday was during a visit to Koh Samui, Thailand.

The sickest I’ve been on holiday…

Was during a visit to Koh Samui, Thailand. Let’s just say I had to run to the bathroom while visiting a major tourist attraction and then mistook vine leaves hanging on the wall for toilet paper, so I ended up shredding my behind.

My holidays are mostly devoted to…

Experiencing local cuisine, arts and culture, music and architecture. I also love exploring the natural landscape on foot or on a bike.

The worst thing that’s happened to me while travelling was…

Getting the flu in New York and being bedridden for several days. I’m a terrible patient and wanted to be out exploring!

The worst thing that’s happened to me while travelling was getting the flu in New York.
The worst thing that’s happened to me while travelling was getting the flu in New York.

The most interesting person I’ve met on a plane is…

The managing director of clothing label Salvatore Ferragamo, who I sat next to on a red eye flight from Las Vegas to New York. He was a talkative and intriguing chap.

The best/weirdest things I’ve eaten while travelling were…

Sculling a shot that had a worm in it in the late ’90s at an incredibly eccentric and colourful restaurant in Port Douglas that is sadly no longer, Gone Bananas.

Travel has taught me…

I’m incredibly lucky to live in a country as teeming with natural beauty and abundant resources as Australia. It has also taught me that the world needs to embrace tourism that is more sustainable and inclusive, something I’m working to address with Heartful, the short-term accommodation booking marketplace I founded in 2023, focused on sustainable and inclusive stays.

The place that most surprised me was Bandung, Indonesia.
The place that most surprised me was Bandung, Indonesia.

How many flights have you missed?

I have  never missed a flight but very nearly missed one to Sydney only a few months ago. I am ADHD/autistic and didn’t read the pre-boarding instructions properly and arrived too late.

Passports/visas/wallets/luggage lost?

I lost my wallet about 20 to 30 times in my late teens and early 20s. I had no idea it was due to undiagnosed ADHD/autism but it was very distressing (albeit somewhat amusing for those around me!).

I’ve been to eight countries including Italy.
I’ve been to eight countries including Italy.

Who is your favourite travel  companion?

My partner Kirstie and son Max, equally. We are all neurodivergent and just “get” one another.

Flight, cruise, car or train?

Bike, walk or train. The three most energy-efficient and sustainable modes of transportation. Cruises and I are mutually exclusive.

To discover how you can make a difference on your next trip, or for more tips on sustainable and inclusive travel, visit or @heartful_travel.

Originally published as My Travel CV: Traveller's traumatic toilet paper mistake

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