
Lockdown life: Magdalena Roze and Darren Robertson’s new hobbies

Magdalena Roze and her chef husband Darren Robertson had to close their restaurants during lockdown. While they have found other things to keep them busy, food is still an important part of their lives.

Cracking roasted cauliflower salad

Byron Bay Bay foodie Magdalena Roze and husband chef Darren Robertson have seven of their eight Three Blue Ducks restaurants in lockdown and two active boys. But there are upsides Covid can’t kill, Roze reveals, including their pet bees and Darren’s new skateboard.

The Sunday Telegraph has spoken to public figures about their life in lockdown. Read more from Gogglebox couple Sarah Marie and Matty, as well as singer Samantha Jade below.

Also click here for stories from stage performer Zoe Gertz, media personality Sami Lukis or former cricketer Michael Clarke.

How are you both coping?

Working in hospitality our businesses have of course been impacted significantly but we’re trying not to focus on what we can’t control and just appreciate the small, simple things and the time we have together as a family.

What has been your biggest challenge?

Keeping our businesses afloat, constantly adapting to changes and communicating that to staff, suppliers and customers, while trying to stay positive through it all. In the business we’re in, there are so many people affected by what’s going on and we feel the weight of that.

The immediate future is uncertain but we have to be optimistic that hospitality will survive this. That keeps us going.

How do you get through?

As hard it can be, switching off from some of the noise and focusing on the task at hand and what you can control helps to keep a clearer head and stay productive. And celebrating the small wins – family and friends (be it over Zoom), coffee, red wine, baking, pasta, gardening, chocolate, Lego and walks with the kids are keeping us sane.

Darren Robertson and Magdalena Roze at home during lockdown.
Darren Robertson and Magdalena Roze at home during lockdown.

Your silver lining(s)?

The forced time away from busy restaurants, certain social and work commitments and day-to-day decision making has opened up space for reflection, simple activities and family time.

How are the boys coping?

The boys are great and thankfully quite unaware of what’s going on, beyond thinking that our masks are a bit weird.

Your go-to escapes?

Surfing and walks on the beach.

What are you reading?

Toxic by Richard Flanagan, Soil by Matthew Evans, Have A Go by Jo Barrett and a lot of cook books, including the amazing Take One Fish by Josh Niland. Oh and of course My Octopus Arms and Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site … our three and five-year-old critics say they’re real page turners!

Podcasts, songs or playlists that lift your mood?

I’m a sucker for Conversations with Richard Feidler, all of his subjects are so interesting but some of my favourite interviews include Michael Pollan and Steven Bradbury. For Daz, Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman and Deep In The Weeds by Anthony Huckstep are his go-to podcasts.

Magdalena Roze and Darren Robertson are enjoying spending more time with their boys. Picture: Danielle Smith
Magdalena Roze and Darren Robertson are enjoying spending more time with their boys. Picture: Danielle Smith

Your favourite walk?

IGA’s confectionery aisle.

Have you started any new hobbies to fill in the time?

We harvested our honey for the first time which was a bit of an event, we’ve planted a few extra things in the garden and the fire pit and pizza oven have taken centre stage at most of our dinners. And Daz got a skateboard #midlifecrisis

What (or who) are you missing most in lockdown?

Cafes, restaurants and bars. Friends and family of course! Travel. Oh and unawkward social interactions and hugs!

What was the last thing you cooked?

We are absolutely eating our way through lockdown, one of the major decisions of the day is what’s for dinner. Last night’s dinner was chicken and leek pie with dinosaurs on the pastry which was a hit. We used the leftover pastry to make blueberry moneybags with ice cream. Clearly, too much time on our hands!

Best lockdown cocktail?

Daz loves Guinness from a can in a glass and does his bit to support the craft beer industry, such as Wandana, Seven Mile or Yulli’s. I love a red wine and Small Things do a good one in a can, otherwise I love the curated boxes from Natural Order Wine.

What has been the biggest change to your life?

It’s very strange not going to work and seeing a busy restaurant or seeing family and friends. Plus our clothes seem to be tighter (must be the dryer!) but the petrol bill is way down so I guess it balances out.

‘More family time has been our silver lining’

Gogglebox favourites Sarah Marie and Matty live in a one of Sydney’s Covid hotspot LGAs with almost two-year-old son Malik and their dog Bane.

Not being able to see family, send Malik to daycare and the guilt of too much screen time makes life challenging for the young family — but there is one thing keeping them going.

How are you coping in lockdown?

Sarah’s work as a make-up artist has disappeared, but it happened at a relatively good time because she’s transitioning and taking on more of our online kids’ clothing and accessories business TMRW Kids.

All we can do is just keep putting the work in and hope that lockdown ends soon and just be prepared for when it does.

Gogglebox family Sarah Marie and Matty (right) with their son Malik, and left, their friend Jad.
Gogglebox family Sarah Marie and Matty (right) with their son Malik, and left, their friend Jad.

Your silver lining?

Getting to spend so much time together, and Malik has both of us all the time and I think that is invaluable for his development and confidence. Not many kids had the chance of that growing up, us included, with parents who have to work of course.

How are you entertaining Malik?

Sarah has him in the backyard and painting, creating clay pieces and she’s baking bread with him. He’s well entertained and happy as ever. And given we can’t get any other models to come in and photograph, he’s also having lots of fun dressing up and being our number one model for TMRW Kids.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The most recent one would be having to take Malik out of daycare, which means Sarah has to work late at night after Malik is asleep, as I am working full time so can’t help so much during the day.

It’s challenging to balance our commitments while looking after Malik 24/7 then dealing with the guilt of him watching too much TV as that is the only way of getting things done sometimes. There’s the guilt of him not playing with his friends and seeing anyone.

Matty takes pictures of his son Malik.
Matty takes pictures of his son Malik.
Sarah Marie with her son Malik.
Sarah Marie with her son Malik.

Who are you missing most?

I am definitely missing my brother a lot – I haven’t seen him for almost two years. He is Malik’s godfather and lives in Dubai, so not seeing him has been difficult.

Also not seeing our parents who we miss and are a big part in helping us with Malik and giving us a day off because they love taking care of him once or twice a week so not having them around is hard for them, but equally as hard for us.

What is your go-to exercise?

Definitely going to the park and for a jog. Sarah goes for a walk during the day with Malik, and I installed a chin-up bar outside the house so do a combination of chin-ups and push-ups. That is my strength day now I can’t go to gym, and it’s been a game changer.

Any podcasts, songs or playlists that lift your mood?

I’ve been getting massively into my hip hop and there is a new album out called Hoffah by rappers Dave East and Harry Fraud. I’m also dying to listen to the new albums from Drake, Kanye and The Weekend.

How do you distinguish between weekdays and weekends?

It is feeling like groundhog day isn’t it! Definitely weekends are the time to get out of routine and try to get out of the house a bit.

All three of us in the backyard, walk to the park and kick a ball with Malik, make a TikTok video together, order takeaway, try to make it feel like we have ‘gone out’.

The couple keep Malik busy at home doing arts and crafts.
The couple keep Malik busy at home doing arts and crafts.

I can’t live without …

It’s a love-hate relationship, but I would struggle without any sort of exercise or physical activity. And watching sport has been an absolute life saver through lockdown. I can’t live without sport.

The last thing you cooked?

No one wants me cooking in this house! I barbecue but that’s it. I’ll leave the cooking to Sarah and the last thing she cooked was a loaf of bread from scratch. She has been making a lot of bread and it tastes amazing.

Favourite cocktail or drink through lockdown?

For Sarah would be a red wine and for me it’s a Negroni. It’s dangerous as it has three shots. I’m trying to stay healthy, but definitely enjoying a Negroni on the weekend.

What is the key to staying positive and surviving lockdown together?

Keep reminding yourself – and even write it down – about all the things you have to be thankful for. It is a crappy situation, but we’re in the comfort of our own home, my son is happy and there are so many things to be positive about.

In Lebanon where my family are from, they don’t have electricity, they don’t have fuel, they don’t have bread — they are in such a dire situation that Covid isn’t even a headline where they live.

We have our jobs, we are not living day-to-day and that’s a really big one so, you know, just remember to be grateful.

Gogglebox returns Wednesdays 7.30pm on Foxtel (from September 8) and Thursdays at 8.30pm on Ten

Sam Jade: ‘Some days I have to force myself to get out’

Singer Samantha Jade can’t perform, see her family in Western Australia or get married because of Covid, but she’s still found some silver linings through lockdown.

How are you coping through lockdown?

I have good days and bad ones. Ultimately, I miss my job and my family so much but I am also dedicating this time to getting my health and mental health in a better place.

What has been your biggest challenge?

Not being able to work and do what I love. It’s been hard to see every gig be cancelled.

Your silver lining(s)?

I have been able to spend so much quality time with Pat (fiance Pat Handlin) and our dog Banksy which has been really nice.

Samantha Jade takes Banksy for a walk outdoors.
Samantha Jade takes Banksy for a walk outdoors.
Samantha Jade makes sure she gets some exercise.
Samantha Jade makes sure she gets some exercise.

How do you navigate lockdown and any anxiety that comes with it?

It’s tough. Some days I have to force myself to get out and take a walk or do some form of exercise. It always makes me feel so much better. I also take (anti-stress herbal supplement) Ashwanganda which is a godsend.

How are you feeling about having to postpone your wedding?

I’ve taken a break from planning because my family are all in Perth and I can’t get married without them. As soon as things get back to normal I’ll start planning again.

Your mum gives you little pearls of wisdom every day. What is your favourite?

I miss her so much. She always said to start the day with gratitude and as you place each foot on the ground from your bed, say thank you. I love that and do it every morning.

Have you been doing anything fun to differentiate between weekdays and weekends? Zoom parties or trivia?

Yes! I love trivia. We have trivia with our friends every Saturday night and we theme it too, which makes it extra fun. We also have done some cooking lessons with friends over Zoom too.

The singer virtually keeps in touch with family and friends.
The singer virtually keeps in touch with family and friends.
Samantha Jade loves spending time with her dog Banksy.
Samantha Jade loves spending time with her dog Banksy.

Do cuddles with Banksy help make life in lockdown better?

He is a saving grace and he is loving lockdown! We take him on so many walks and give him so many cuddles it makes the days so much better. I’m walking about 10km every day.

When was the last time you wore makeup? Is it trackies every day or do you dress up to lift your spirits?

I have still been recording podcasts over Zoom so I’ll do my hair and make-up. It feels nice to put a curl in your hair and throw on some lippy and it can lift your spirits. But clothes wise it’s trackies every day!

Samantha Jade in her trackies.
Samantha Jade in her trackies.

Any lockdown beauty tips? Is it important to keep it up, or nice to have a break?

I’ve attempted to colour my own hair with Pat’s help. It’s definitely not as good as a salon visit, but something had to be done about these roots!

What are you reading?

Be Bold by Alexis Fernandez. My friend from Perth sent it to me and I really like it so far!

Any podcasts, songs or playlists that lift your mood?

I love Leon Bridge’s new album and podcast wise We Can Do Hard Things by Glennon Doyle — she’s amazing!

Your go-to exercise escape?

I like hit training and tabata, sweating it out makes you feel like you’ve really accomplished a good work out!

Your favourite walk?

Centennial Park, it’s so beautiful, and Bronte Beach is pretty special.

Have you been writing new songs in lockdown?

Samantha Jade enjoys a cocktail during lockdown.
Samantha Jade enjoys a cocktail during lockdown.

Yes, it’s always a nice way to get out my feelings.

What is the thing you can’t live without?

Coffee! And Banksy, of course.

What was the last thing you cooked?

I made pasta from scratch which was so fun. My favourite recipe though is curry. I’m half Anglo-Indian and if I want to feel the comfort of home I make a chicken curry. It’s my dad’s recipe passed down from his mum.

Favourite cocktail or drink through lockdown?

Lemon drop. I also like a mandarin martini.

What has been the biggest change to your life in the past nine weeks?

Not working. I am usually always so busy and working non-stop, so that has been a big adjustment. Key for me has been having little things to look forward to, whether it’s a trivia night or a FaceTime party or a date night. I try to have things booked in.

When we can travel again, where is the first place you’ll go?

Perth to see my family of course, and then as soon as I can I’m off to Europe. For 2022 I’m most looking forward to life getting back to normal and hopefully touring.

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