
'Closing shift cleaning' could be the key to a better nighttime routine

You'll thank yourself in the AM

The act of 'closing shift cleaning' has gone viral on TikTok because of its wellness benefits. Image: Getty.
The act of 'closing shift cleaning' has gone viral on TikTok because of its wellness benefits. Image: Getty.

The act of 'closing shift cleaning' has gone viral on TikTok because of its wellness benefits – so it could be time to add this step to your own nighttime routine. 

If you're anything like us, the thought of spending your precious knock-off time cleaning your house is a dark one. But it seems the internet disagrees. 

Creator Clara Peirce's 'closing shift cleaning' post has scored more than 4.4 million views on TikTok - and the evening routine makes a whole lot of sense, unlike some of the viral social media trends we're bombarded with on the regular.

In the moment it might seem tiresome, but it's a routine she adapted from years working in retail and as a food service worker, which is key for success the following day. In those industries, there's a process once you've shut up shop: cleaning, reorganising, plus flicking off the lights and locking the doors.

According to Peirce, it's the step in your own nighttime routine you've been missing. 

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“Whenever I’m really trying to set myself up for success the next day, I will do what I call a closing shift … I just close up my apartment like I would if I was at work,” Peirce explained in the viral TikTok. “Sometimes closing shift is cleaning my entire apartment, sometimes it’s just making it 10 per cent better for the morning, so I feel like I did something to set my next day up on the right foot.”

Here's how it works: The closing shift could simply be tidying the kitchen, or throwing your dirty washing in the machine. It might be prepping your outfit for the following day or vacuuming. The idea is, that the more you do, the less stressed and overwhelmed you'll be the following morning when you should be hitting the ground running. Who doesn't want that? 

The sacred hours we have at home before and after work are precious, but by knocking off some of the home admin like changing your sheets, stacking the dishwasher and tidying the kitchen bench, you reduce future stress – which morning you will thank you for.

You're likely to sleep better, too, because you'll have ticked multiple things off your household to-do list.

Just remember, you don't need to Marie Kondo your place – simply tidying goes a long way in making your space feel cleaner and less cluttered, and a full overhaul isn't necessary. 

Peirce's dedication to the routine has inspired her almost one million followers to do the same.

“Treating your home like how you do when you’re closing at work is such a great idea,” wrote one. 

Another commented, “I have my routine before bed, otherwise I cannot sleep.”

But not everyone is on board, and you know what? We totally get it. “I just don't have patience or energy for that at the end of the night,” said one – and honestly, if you're more of a tidy-as-you-go type, then that works just fine too.

The closing shift checklist

Linen sheet brand Bed Threads has created the perfect ‘closing shift’ checklist. It's extensive, but we promise it will be worth it when your alarm goes off in the AM.

  • Load the dishwasher and put it on
  • Do a five-minute tidy-up of your living area
  • Wipe down surfaces you’ve used that day
  • Put shoes away
  • Ensure doors are locked
  • Ensure your keys are located near the front door for easy access in the morning
  • Put away any makeup/products used to get ready in the morning
  • Put away any clothes worn during the day

Originally published as 'Closing shift cleaning' could be the key to a better nighttime routine

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