A net-zero Greens utopia will bring Australia to its knees
If the Greens slash defence spending, how will they pay for their free uni, childcare, parental leave, and welfare utopia — and protect our nation at the same time, Vikki Campion asks.
If the Greens slash defence spending, how will they pay for their free uni, childcare, parental leave, and welfare utopia — and protect our nation at the same time, Vikki Campion asks.
A plan for a unit to look at the impact on women sounds lovely, but it shows Labor does not have an economic infrastructure building agenda; it has a social engineering agenda, writes Vikki Campion.
The anti-agriculture, anti-mining, anti-dams philosophy seems to come from those who enjoy eating our good food in urban cafes and keeping their hot showers and lights on, writes Vikki Campion.
If realistic measures aren’t taken to address the bullying in parliament only narcissists and psychopaths will survive there, writes Vikki Campion.
It’s easy to have a strong opinion against a dam when you have a roof over your head, a hot meal and pictures of your kids because they were never washed away, writes Vikki Campion.
The state of the world should serve as a reckoning – that we should be using our natural resources like coal and oil at home – instead of shipping it all overseas, Vikki Campion writes.
Putin now has a window into the vacuous world of the West’s social justice warriors, a cowardly lot who expect democracy to be defended for them, writes Vikki Campion.
It appears Labor empathy only applies to certain crusades because when thousands took part in a massive rally in Canberra last weekend, Albo just told them to “go home,” Vikki Campion writes.
An anti-corruption body is there to uncover corruption, not undertake the equivalent of trash-television gotcha moments best left for gossip columns, but that is Labor’s plan, writes Vikki Campion.
What has been missed in the latest text message saga is that the woman whose messages were leaked has now become collateral damage when all she wanted to do was help others, writes Vikki Campion.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/journalists/vikki-campion/page/16