What are our token ministers for women actually doing?
If you want more women in politics, give them a reason to want political life, Vikki Campion writes as she asks what “ministers for women” are actually doing to help.
If you want more women in politics, give them a reason to want political life, Vikki Campion writes as she asks what “ministers for women” are actually doing to help.
It will be decades before average Australians will be able to afford an electric vehicle. If Labor was serious about them, they would wipe the luxury car tax altogether, writes Vikki Campion.
A 15-year-old girl was raped and killed but the public outcry was nothing compared to the national coverage of parliament’s alleged gay sex rings and revenge porn. It’s a disgrace, Vikki Campion writes.
Protesters among the Women’s March 4 Justice rally do not “support all women” — just the women who criticise the right people, Vikki Campion writes.
To ban wood heating as the cost of electricity ratchets up, and access to affordable power is broken by renewables zealots, fails the first law of government, Vikki Campion writes.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/journalists/vikki-campion/page/21