Vital info lost if centre closes
YEARS of ‘vital research’ will be lost if the government goes ahead with plans to close the Alstonville Centre for Tropical Horticulture, Ballina MP has warned.
YEARS of ‘vital research’ will be lost if the government goes ahead with plans to close the Alstonville Centre for Tropical Horticulture, Ballina MP has warned.
ABORIGINAL people still face discrimination when searching for rental properties, the chairwoman of the Bundjalung Elders Council, Bertha Kapeen, says.
LAND owned by Ballina Shire Council failed to attract buyers last night’s auction, but mayor Phillip Silver says he is confident the lots will be snapped up.
DEALING with homelessness in regional areas such as the Northern Rivers requires different strategies to those used in cities.
BY THE end of 2015, the new manager of the Ballina-Byron Gateway Airport hopes up to 600,000 passengers a year will be hitting the tarmac.
SAILFISH Marine, based at Alstonville, is not going to miss one of the biggest boat shows in the country – the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.
WEIGHING in at half-a-gram and measuring just 4cm in length, a rare feathertail glider named Speck is lucky to be alive, thanks to wildlife conservationists.
MORE than 500 rural properties on the Northern Rivers have ‘high risk’ connections to the water supply with the potential to cause death.
WITH the Alstonville bypass just a few months from completion, retailers are calling for a visitors information centre to be set up in the main street.
AN ALSTONVILLE business is improving dental health in developing countries and raising money for cleft palate restoration surgery for people in Bangladesh.
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