
Our Journalists

Catherine Nikas-Boulos
Catherine Nikas-BoulosContent Editor 360 Commercial

Catherine Nikas-Boulos has been a journalist at News Corp since 2003. She began her career as a Fashion and Lifestyle writer for The Daily Telegraph Sydney Live Magazine, before going on to edit the Features Health section and lead Home magazine as its Editor. She is now a Content Editor working on national advocacy projects for the Commercial team, including the award-winning Australia’s Best Teachers campaign.


Kids aren’t rude. Adults are

Kids aren’t rude. Adults are

A colleague recently told me how getting on the bus proved a real eye-opener for her. Every student who got off the bus thanked the driver. The adults, not so much.

JUNE 2003 : See-through ensuite bathroom with only clear glass separating the bathroom from the bedroom, in the Paddington Central apartment development, 06/03. NSW / Housing / Real Estate / Interior

Whatever happened to bathroom doors?

I don’t need to go into a detailed discussion of what goes on in a toilet. This most natural necessity should not be relegated to the file of shame, but does it really need to be shared in great detail with your great love?

Bennelong 36 display home from Casa View homes at Homeworld Kellyville.

Get more house for your buck

THIS home is no shrinking violet when it comes to space and if you’re looking to get more house for your buck it could be the forever house for growing families.

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