Crumbling homes fuel new worry for property prices
Squalid homes requiring up to $1m in repairs have become some of the few homes available to buy in a trend that could impact house values.
Squalid homes requiring up to $1m in repairs have become some of the few homes available to buy in a trend that could impact house values.
A Sydney trophy home with rare Harbour views and a private sandy beach has got a shock result at auction.
Startling new data has shed light on one of the primary drivers of soaring rents – and why landlords are being unfairly targeted.
A huge percentage of homes for sale in each of these investor hotspots has been ripped from the rental pool over the past year.
Challenging market conditions have spurred an exodus of investor landlords in many areas, with horror implications for renters.
Homeowners have been resorting to one desperate move to help pay their mortgage costs as new data shows distressed sales rose over the past year.
Tenants have been delivered some rare good news, with the supply of available homes increasing over recent months – and it’s due to the actions of one group.
Most Sydney homeowners are now getting more wealth from value rises on their properties than their jobs, with new data revealing the latest value changes in every suburb.
Sales records have revealed all the Sydney properties that sold for new suburb records over the past year and one thing their buyers have in common.
Families living in an area of Sydney that has largely flown under the radar until recently have been getting incredible equity gains as prices hit new heights.
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