Last hope: Why it’s costing me $20,000 a month to stay alive
It’s Jemma Juckes’ last throw of the dice as she awaits a decision on whether a new cancer drug will be added to the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. Her life depends on it.
It’s Jemma Juckes’ last throw of the dice as she awaits a decision on whether a new cancer drug will be added to the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. Her life depends on it.
An Aussie family have revealed their heartbreak and horror after their two-month-old baby boy was diagnosed with a rare cancer – while still in his mother’s womb.
Australia has broken a grim record with 45,000 whooping cough cases expected by the end of the year – the highest number since the introduction of the vaccine – with two states hard hit.
A woman diagnosed with the world’s fastest-growing disease has revealed the ‘easy’ way everyday Aussies can help tackle it.
It’s a groundbreaking find
Australia is in the thick of a severe flu season, with health experts warning it could drag on for months. See what the symptoms are and how to protect yourself.
One man has been compensated $27.6 million
It’s what sufferers have been praying for
Her hair has grown back better than ever
Know the symptoms
Early detection has 100 per cent survival rate
“I’m taking this as a real gift”
Experts say it’s a global crisis
It’s a health condition that has been shrouded in shame and dismissed by medicos for hundreds of years, and major changes to the health system are needed to give sufferers a fair go.
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