

Sydney publicist Roxy Jacenko reveals new breast health scare

Roxy Jacenko has revealed the results of her most recent breast scans, nine years after she battled cancer. Now the PR guru is set to go back under the knife.

Roxy Jacenko - Ozempic overdose.

Nine years after her shock breast cancer diagnosis, Roxy Jacenko has revealed she is set to go under the knife again following a health scare.

After missing her one-year check-up last year, a recent MRI scan has shown the 44-year-old mother of two has a ruptured breast implant, and will need to undergo surgery immediately.

“I was going about my normal Saturday in Sydney, coffee at Indigo and then onto Bondi Markets to get fresh flowers for my apartment,” Jacenko said.

“Then I saw an email from my longtime GP and friend, Isaac, with the results from the MRI and ultrasound which I had done the day prior.

“To be frank, I thought, ‘gosh it’s a Saturday why is Isaac emailing me today?’ (as Jewish people observe Shabbat and do not work on Saturdays) and what do you know, first point: Reported features of R breast implant rupture.”

Roxy Jacenko has a ruptured breast implant. Picture: Emily Abay
Roxy Jacenko has a ruptured breast implant. Picture: Emily Abay
The PR supremo battled breast cancer in 2016. Picture: Emily Abay
The PR supremo battled breast cancer in 2016. Picture: Emily Abay

“I carried on driving and going about my Saturday chores for the next few hours, but to be honest I felt completely deflated (pardon the pun).

“I didn’t want to worry my Mum or (husband) Oli. Within about four hours, I screen-shot the results and sent them to both on WhatsApp.

“Poor Mum, I think a lot of her feels like I got breast cancer because she also had it, now she was thinking that her (self-proclaimed) favourite child was walking around town in a crop top with silicone dripping through her body.”

Jacenko was 36 when she found a cancerous lump in her left breast.

The initial diagnosis came the same month her husband Oliver Curtis was jailed for insider trading.

She describes it as “the worst year of my life.”

And while many men and women who have received a cancer diagnosis often worry about a relapse, Jacenko remains philosophical about the situation.

Roxy Jacenko’s MRI results show a ruptured implant. Picture: Supplied
Roxy Jacenko’s MRI results show a ruptured implant. Picture: Supplied

“You know it’s really strange, there have been so very many ups and downs in my life that when another hurdle hits me, it’s become like the norm,” she said.

“Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I have a minute to think (and mostly that’s when I am in Sydney and sans my kids and have time to think) and I am like ‘why?’.

Jacenko is so relaxed about her check-ups, her mother Doreen is often the one to schedule her appointments.

“l am meant to get an annual check-up, but I also like to avoid issues (and have a strange mindset that I don’t want to know). So often my mother makes the appointment for me and nags me until I show up.

“Its been every two years at best ... I asked a friend the other day to make sure I actually didn’t cancel the MRI and ultrasound this time around as my MO is generally to cancel and say, ‘too busy, another time’ just to avoid a result that wasn’t the all-clear.”

Now, Jacenko is preparing to undergo removal and revision surgery in two weeks.

“I saw two doctors on Monday as my case isn’t as straight forward as others, having had a partial mastectomy and removal of a lot of tissue as well as radiation to remove the cancer some years back,” she said.

“I will be seeing the cancer specialist two days before my surgery to discuss the MRI and ultrasound results and have a physical examination, but until then all looks clear apart from the rupture.”

Despite breast implants coming with many health implications, Jacenko said she will go to her grave with implants on her chest.

“I mean this is the girl who was labelled ‘Sultana Tits’ in school,” she joked.

“I am very happy to be likened to Pamela Anderson in her Baywatch days instead of Sultana Tits, thanks – no intention of going back.

“There’s only eyelashes that are original on this chassis these days.”

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