
Protesters call for Kyle Sandilands sacking over Virgin Mary video

People gathered outside KIIS FM recited the Hail Mary prayer repeatedly as they conducted their peaceful protest over Kyle Sandilands’ Virgin Mary video. Sandilands and co-host Jackie-O Henderson were not on air during the protest.

Protest outside KIIS FM in Sydney’s Ryde

Protesters outside KIIS FM studios in Sydney this morning have questioned why Israel Folau got sacked over his inflammatory social media comments but Kyle Sandilands has escaped punishment over a controversial video posted to Instagram last week in which he referred to the Virgin Mary as liar who was knocked up behind the camel shed.

Christians and Muslims gathered outside KIIS FM’s Ryde headquarters this morning to pray for Sandilands and demand a more sincere apology from the shock jock after condemnation of the video went global.

“We live in a country that has double standards because in the commercial code of conduct clause 214 states that a radio station cannot offend, discriminate against religion, sex, gender,” protest leader Georgie Mark said.

“Rugby Australia have the same code of conduct and he (Israel Folau) got sacked for quoting something he didn’t even write.

Protesters outside the KIIS FM studio at North Ryde have prayed for Kyle Sandilands. Picture: John Grainger
Protesters outside the KIIS FM studio at North Ryde have prayed for Kyle Sandilands. Picture: John Grainger

“Kyle from 106.5 KIIS FM went and discriminated against not only one religion but two. He discriminated and said things from his own heart. He called us dumb, he called us stupid, he called Muslims and Christians who believe in the Virgin Mary liars.

“What is the difference between offending a homosexual or a thief or a liar or an adulterer or a fornicator like Israel Folau did? But when it comes to religion they just want to sweep us under the carpet.”

Folau has launched a multimillion-dollar unfair dismissal case against Rugby Australia which is set to go to trial in February next year.

He was sacked in May after posting on social media that homosexuals would go to hell.

RA claimed the post breached the professional code of conduct but Folau is seeking $10 million in compensation, saying his $4 million contract was unlawfully torn up.

Under fire: Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.
Under fire: Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.
Israel Folau got the sack. Picture: David Swift
Israel Folau got the sack. Picture: David Swift

People gathered outside KIIS FM also recited the Hail Mary prayer repeatedly as they conducted their peaceful protest.

Sandilands and co-host Jackie-O Henderson were not on air during the protest as, in line with all breakfast shows in the national radio industry, they are taking a week off during the non-ratings period. They will return to work on September 30.

An Australian Radio Network spokesperson apologised again for any offence caused.

“As we said last week, we echo Kyle’s statement and unreservedly apologise for any offence that may have been caused. Last week when this content ran, we immediately recognised that it wasn’t appropriate for distribution and it was removed immediately.”

A worker from the radio station came outside to the protesters to inform them about the radio pairs absence and for any complaints to be “directed to their website”.

A police officer talks to protesters outside KIIS FM studios this morning. Picture: John Grainger
A police officer talks to protesters outside KIIS FM studios this morning. Picture: John Grainger

“I just want to reiterate our message as per national radio stations, they’re currently on break and Kyle and Jackie O aren’t here,” the man from Kiss FM said.

“Any further comments or complaints can be handled on our website as I’m sure has been done.”

The video, which was quickly removed from KIIS FM’s Instagram account last week after fierce backlash, managed to unite the Christian and Muslim communities.

“I thought Mary was his (Jesus Christ’s) girlfriend but apparently it was the mother,” Sandilands said in the video.

“And the mother lied obviously and told everyone ‘Nah I got pregnant by a magical ghost’. Bullshit.

“Someone chock-a-blocked her behind the camel shed.

Kyle Sandilands causes public outrage yet again

“You might believe everything that’s written down 2000 years ago to be absolutely accurate and good on you, you’re dumb. Dumb as dog shit.”

An apology issued by Sandilands was slammed by the public.

“I’m sorry if I offended anyone with my comments,” Sandilands said.

“Everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs and I’m fully supportive of that right.”

Fury at Sandilands’ comments reached as far as Lebanon where Sydney man Charlie Bakhos posted a response last week that attracted thousands of views.

The video, posted about 9.30pm AEST on Thursday, attracted more than 16,000 views in just 12 hours as Bakhos issued a call to arms.

The Virgin Mary was the target of the Sandilands video.
The Virgin Mary was the target of the Sandilands video.

Bakhos is the administrator of the Christian Lives Matter Facebook page.

“This is a message to Kyle Sandilands from Lebanon. I’m sitting here at the top of Our Lady of Harissa,” Bakhos said.

“You offended Christians, Muslims, people of faith. You called the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ names, you accused her of sex, you said some disgusting things.

“Your words are just words and what you don’t understand is there are a lot of fence-sitting Christians out there and you’ve angered them and pushed them off the fence towards getting closer to Christ.

“We will bring the prayer to you, prayer groups and thousands upon thousands to your doorstep, to your studio, until you repent and change your ways.”

Australian Islamic identity Steve Dabliz said it was hard to put into words the “outrage and distress” people are feeling right now with many still in a state of “shock and disbelief”.

“Kyle hasn’t just insulted close to four billion Christians and Muslims worldwide, but far more importantly, he has mocked and denigrated the Blessed Virgin Mary,” Mr Dabliz said.

“It’s a changing world and I keep hearing the phrase that ‘people are entitled to express their opinion’, but Kyle showed last Thursday just how cheap words are when he launched this vile tirade.”

With more than 25,000 people adding their names to an online petition calling Sandilands to be taken off air Mr Dabliz said the backlash has been “unprecedented.”

“It’s an unprecedented outburst which has certainly drawn the Muslim and Christian communities together and we await some positive action from Kyle’s employers,” he said.

“This kind of behaviour is disgusting, it’s unacceptable and surely cannot go unpunished.”

Protesters have questioned who Israel Folau gets sacked but Kyle Sandilands doesn’t. Picture: John Grainger
Protesters have questioned who Israel Folau gets sacked but Kyle Sandilands doesn’t. Picture: John Grainger

Thousands of people are adding their names to an online petition calling for radio shock jock Kyle Sandilands to be taken off air over a controversial video in which he describes the Virgin Mary as a liar who simply got knocked up “behind a camel shed”.

“A man like Kyle does not deserve any airtime on Australia’s “number one” FM radio station,” the petition states.

“Regardless of your disbelief and atheism, you have offended two of the largest religions in the world.

“Enough is enough, this is the last time we will allow a mockery of our faith,” the post states.

As at 8am on Monday, it had almost 25,000 signatures.

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