

Bear Grylls backs embattled Russell Brand: ‘A privilege to stand beside him’

British adventurist and Christian poster boy Bear Grylls speaks for the first time about why he supports comedian Russell Brand, who has been accused of historical allegations of rape and sexual assault.

Bear Grylls backs embattled Russell Brand

Adventurer Bear Grylls is standing by embattled British comedian Russell Brand.

Grylls, a devout Christian, helped baptise Brand in the river Thames in April as the 49-year-old converted to the faith following historical allegations of rape and sexual assault, which he has denied.

“Russell, you know, (it was) a privilege to stand beside him as he was getting baptised, that is a life journey for him,” Grylls told Confidential ahead of his Australian tour.

“I really wish him well and his lovely family.”

Brand shared an image of himself on Instagram in the river near his home in Henley-on-Thames, and described the baptism as an “incredible and profound experience that had left him feeling “changed” and “surrendered in Christ”.

Russell Brand shared an Instagram story of being baptised by Bear Grylls in the Thames. Picture: Instagram
Russell Brand shared an Instagram story of being baptised by Bear Grylls in the Thames. Picture: Instagram

The controversial actor took the baptismal plunge seven months after a joint investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches highlighted allegations from four women against him, including rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse.

He has denied the allegations.

“Let’s hope all of that stuff works itself out in a good way,” Grylls said.

“And let’s hope those accusations aren’t true, for everybody’s sake, but I always try and live without judging anyone.

“I stand beside many people … that’s a privilege, trying never to judge, always to love, always be kind, support people wherever they are.

“He was a Running Wild guest and a friend and, yeah, proud to do that.”

Running Wild with Bear Grylls is the globally famous survival reality show that features the adventurism joined by a new celebrity each episode.

Adventurer and television star Bear Grylls. Picture: Supplied
Adventurer and television star Bear Grylls. Picture: Supplied
British comedian and actor Russell Brand. Picture: AFP
British comedian and actor Russell Brand. Picture: AFP

Meanwhile, last month Grylls stood down from his 15-year tenure as the UK’s Chief Scout. He revealed to Confidential that he is taking on a new role internationally.

“I feel actually my scouting role is increasing, it is just changing,” he said.

“The UK one has been the greatest privilege of my life, I love it, and I’m still going to stay super-close to that.

“We’ve got more people joining the Scouts than ever before … there are over 100,000 people in the UK now on the waiting list to join the Scouts so that always goes back to needing ever-more adult volunteers to keep up with that.”

The father of three will bring his Never Give Up shows here in January, starting in Perth on the 23rd of that month. He will play ICC Sydney Theatre on January 29.

It is his first visit here since 2013 and the time before that was 2011. He has timed the tour to coincide with the Australian Open, because tennis is one of his great passions.

“I feel a connection to Australia that is hard to articulate,” he said. “I think it is your outdoor lifestyle, positivity, pioneering spirit.”

He added: “I’ve always wanted to go to the Aussie Open so I thought, let’s time it with that and bring all of the family.”

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