
Prof Peter Collignon answers your questions on controlling COVID-19 as lockdowns lift

Sewage testing would be the best way to track cases of COVID-19 long term, says infectious disease expert Professor Peter Collignon, but if everyone plays their part a large second wave of infections can be avoided.

Professor Peter Collignon answers your questions.
Professor Peter Collignon answers your questions.

Australia is cautiously lifting lockdowns after an impressive effort in keeping the number of coronavirus cases in the country under control.

But as more places open up, we are constantly being warned of the threat of a second wave of infections, especially as we head into winter.

Infectious disease expert Professor Peter Collignon, of the Australian National University, has cast doubt on whether Australia can eliminate the virus entirely, but does believe with the right measures we can keep case numbers low.

He was online today to take your questions in an hour-long Q&A.

Here’s some of what he had to say:

Q. My sister has what she describes as a mild sniffle and says there’s no point getting tested. How do I persuade her she should?

A. I think at the moment if people have respiratory illnesses of any type it’s worth getting tested for Covid because it is the only way we will really know how much is around in the community.

However, I think the best testing in the long run to know what’s going to happen in the community is also to test sewage. This tests the whole community at a time so we get an early warning system that Covid is here and increasing. It also detects those who have little symptoms or no symptoms. In Holland, Spain and France it’s been shown that testing sewage can show when the virus is increasing in the community. The reason that testing sewage is so useful is because about two thirds of people with Covid excrete the virus in their faeces and so it can be detected by testing sewage outflow from a community.

Q. Do you think it is likely that COVID-19 will mutate in a similar way to the flu? And if so, how will we ever get rid of it completely?

A. All viruses change slightly with time. So far with Covid, there have not been major changes. Flu is a bit different because when it changes markedly it’s because it requires completely new genetic material from another flu virus – usually in a duck or a pig. The make-up of the genetics of this coronavirus are different to the flu virus, so there’s less chance that it will have the same significant “shifts” that influenza has. But we need to remember that influenza only has these big “shifts” every few decades or more.

Q. If we keep quarantining anyone who has to come home from overseas and have enough testing could we stop the disease entirely?

A. Quarantining made a lot of difference to the transmission of cases in Australia. Two thirds of our cases were in returned travellers or those on cruise ships. Therefore quarantining these people decreased markedly the number of other people they could transmit to.

Testing is very important as well. It is the only way we find out who’s got the infection and who it’s been transmitted to so we can do further isolation and quarantining. Australia has one of the highest test rates in the world and our positivity rate is now less than one per cent on all the tests we do. This is in marked contrast to most of the rest of world where positivity rates are still often over 10 per cent and sometimes closer to 30 per cent. The higher your positivity rate the more cases you’ve missed. Missing cases mean you spread more infection in the community.

Australia and New Zealand have both been very effective at controlling community spread. However, I think it’s very unlikely we’ll eliminate the disease. We have been able to keep it at very low levels but we are still seeing new cases every day. The virus is likely to be bubbling just under the surface, and if we relax the things we need to do to control the spread it is likely to pop up again, especially in our coming winter.

Q. Is warm weather a factor in the low incidence of cases and deaths in Cuba, other Caribbean countries and our Northern Territory?

A. We don’t know yet but it’s likely this virus, like most other respiratory viruses, transmits much more in winter than in summer or autumn. It’s likely a factor in why Australia has been relatively lucky so far and has had so few cases compared to Europe and North America which were in winter.

Q. Do you think the biggest threat is asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19?

A. I think the biggest risk for the spread of this virus is people with symptoms. The reason for this is the people with symptoms sneeze more and cough more and so spread more virus. It is difficult to know how much of a factor asymptomatic carriers are, but in all the studies seen so far they don’t seem to be responsible for more than 10 or 20 per cent of spread.

Q. One hundred years ago, the Spanish Flu killed about 50 million people around the globe. After two years, it seemed to die out. Can we expect something similar with Covid?

A. Most people died from the Spanish flu because of secondary bacterial infections particularly with the germ that causes most pneumonia even now, called pneumococcus. Influenza set them up, but it was a secondary bacterial infection that killed most people. That may also be a factor with Covid. In some studies in China and elsewhere, a large proportion of those who died had secondary bacterial infections while in intensive care or in hospital.

Why the Spanish flu stopped causing large numbers of deaths after only two years is still not clear. The virus (H1N1) persisted and kept on circulating for decades later. The presumption is that a lot of people developed immunity to this virus after influenza outbreaks in the 1890s. This is called herd immunity, when over 60 or 70 per of the population have already some resistance to new infections because they have the antibodies and white cells to fight the virus better. Another factor may be the decreased movement of people in the early ’20s after the end of World War I, so that not only less virus was being circulated around the world, but also less strains of new varieties of bacteria that people were not immune to and particularly new strains of the pneumonia bacteria. However we still don’t have complete answers to all these questions.

Q. What is the recommendation for wearing face masks?

A. Wearing face mask in the community is probably more beneficial to protect others than yourself. If you wear them incorrectly you can increase your risk of infection via contaminated hands onto moist masks, rather than decrease your risk. In countries where there is lots of transmission in the community, I think wearing face masks is likely a good public health manoeuvre. However, Australia is not in that same position and therefore I don’t think we have to do it currently here.

Another protection we could use for people if Covid transmission becomes common in the community in Australia (and I don’t think it will), is wearing reusable face shields. These can be worn for many hours reasonably comfortably and they stop people being able to send droplets onto your face if they cough or sneeze near you, they stop us touching our own eyes, nose and mouth, plus if we were incubating and had early symptoms of Covid and we coughed or sneezed our own droplets go onto the inside of the screen and so protects others. When for whatever reason people can’t physical distance at work or elsewhere, even at times of low transmission such as in Australia, wearing face shields may be a good preventive measure and I think more effective than wearing a mask and more practicable. They can be washed with detergent and water easily as well.

Q. My boys are due back at high school full-time next week. How can people say that children are at less risk after the recent reports of a deadly new disease?

A. Young children do not seem to catch this coronavirus or transmit it anywhere near as much as adults. So young children are safer to be with than with their parents – and also safer to hug and be close to.

Children however can also catch this virus, they just do it less often. So if there is a lot of transmission of this virus in the community, yes some children will get sick as well. They also might get rare complications such as Kawasaki’s disease – that seems to result in some after an over-reaction of the immune system to the virus. However in Australia we have little community transmission of Covid so far. So while children can get this virus here, they will do it much less often than in the USA and Europe and so will also have many times less the numbers of complications here than in those countries. We need also to remember that Kawasaki disease is still a rare complication in children and you only see many cases if thousands or even tens of thousands of children have been infected.

Q. How inevitable is a second wave of the virus and how bad will it be, compared to the first?

A. I don’t think a large second wave is inevitable. I think we are likely to see more cases in our winter because respiratory viruses transmit more readily in winter. However if we keep to the rules on physical distancing, hand hygiene, plus keep up our testing and contact tracing, we can keep a second wave as a ripple rather than as a tsunami.

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