
Heart Foundation’s Trevor Shilton answers your questions on staying active amid COVID-19

Staying active is a key factor in guarding against Australia’s biggest killer, but coronavirus has made doing so harder than ever. Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton, of the Heart Foundation, offers the tips you need to protect your heart health.

Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton answers your questions.
Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton answers your questions.

For thousands of Australians living with heart disease, the COVID-19 crisis has been particularly scary because of their vulnerability to severe complications.

But if staying healthy in isolation wasn’t hard enough, the gradual move to lift the nation’s lockdown rules presents its own challenges.

Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton, Director of Active Living at the Heart Foundation, advocates for all Australians to maintain physical activity to help guard against the single leading cause of death in Australia.

He was online today to offer advice on what you can do to help maintain your heart health in a changing world.

Here’s what he had to say:

Q. I want to be active at home, but how much physical activity do I actually need, how often, what type?

A. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed our lives in many ways, but the National Physical Activity Guidelines have stayed the same. For the sake of your heart health, you should still be trying to meet those guidelines.

For Aussies aged 18 to 64, the guidelines say:

• Doing any physical activity is better than doing none. If you currently do no physical activity, start by doing some, and gradually build up to the recommended amount.

• Be active on most, preferably all, days every week.

• Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity each week.

• Do muscle strengthening activities on at least two days each week.

Admittedly, this can be challenging for many people – even outside of a pandemic situation. But your activity doesn’t need to be complicated or extravagant. If, in addition to your movement throughout the day, you can get out for a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, you will easily meet the guidelines.

What does “brisk” mean? If your breath comes out as a puff, but you can still have a conversation, you are walking at a pace that’s enough to boost your heart health. If you’re walking at window-shopping speed, it’s time to pick up the pace!

For more information, check out the Heart Foundation Walking website.

Q. What’s the problem with just taking a “holiday” from exercise during the pandemic?

A. I can see how that would be tempting. But the fact is you start to lose the benefits you have gained from being physically active within days of ceasing activity. So keeping up some activity – even if it isn’t what you routinely do – will hold you in good stead.

And don’t underestimate how hard it might be to come back from an exercise “holiday”. If you break your activity routine, you will need to re-establish it at some point. The loss in fitness will mean that activities you had once done easily will be harder.

The health benefits of regular physical activity are quite spectacular. Physical activity can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%, type 2 diabetes by 40%, colon and breast cancer by 20%, depression by 30%. It can also help you manage stress, maintain healthy blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce joint pain. Why would anyone want to take a holiday from all these great benefits? You can find more information on physical activity at the Heart Foundation website.

Q. Instead of doing half an hour, can I do 15 minutes of running? Does the intensity make a difference? I have read that spurts of high intensity exercise is better for the heart and burns more fat.

A. Yes, the intensity does make a difference. The Australian National Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that you do around 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (or a combination of the two).

Consider your exercise goals. If they are “general health”, then moderate physical activity is enough. BUT if you have performance goals, like improving your time to complete a route or an event of some sort, then higher intensity (or vigorous) exercise might form part of your weekly routine.

While higher-intensity exercise isn’t essential, it will definitely improve your level of fitness — the efficiency with which your heart and lungs work to get oxygen delivered to your muscles.

Some health conditions and injuries may mean high intensity exercise is not recommended for you. Talk to your doctor about this, and if the very idea of huffing and puffing puts you off exercising, don’t feel compelled to do it. Pushing yourself to do a form of exercise that you don’t enjoy can turn you off exercise in general.

Q. I live in an area where there aren’t many safe and open spaces for walking. How can I get my 30 minutes a day of exercise without leaving the house?

A. The COVID-19 pandemic has really highlighted something that the Heart Foundation has always known – that not everyone has easy access to safe and pleasant open spaces for physical activity. This is something we are advocating to change, and we welcome efforts by some governments around the country to provide better walking and cycling facilities.

But back to your question. Here are some things you can do without leaving home:

Make a habit of walking while you are on the phone. If you are like me and spend a lot of time in work calls, or talking with family and friends, you will clock up a surprising number of steps. Add side steps, lunges, gentle knee bends, or matching arm movements, to increase the intensity and your heart rate.

Have you heard that saying “dance like no-one’s watching”? Get to it! Find a clear, level space in your loungeroom or even in the garage and boogie to your favourite tunes. It’s fun and stress relieving. This is also a great activity for any kids in the household.

How about the cleaning? I know, I know, it’s not much fun, but it has to be done, so why not make house cleaning benefit more than just the household? Do everything a slightly faster pace than you would normally – don’t rush, just increase the intensity level to help add to your physical activity. The Heart Foundation has developed some terrific resources for staying active at home. You can find them here.

Q. What does the Heart Foundation say about doing 10,000 steps a day? You suggest we do 30 minutes of physical activity a day, but I don’t do 10,000 steps in half an hour, so how many steps should I be aiming for, and does it matter?

A. The 30 minutes a day is only part of the recommendation in the National Physical Activity Guidelines.

The guidelines also say that you should be active in as many ways as you can throughout the day (along with strength exercises twice a week). So the 30 minutes is in addition to everyday movement. Moving more and sitting less is how you will achieve your 10,000 plus steps per day.

Here are some ways you can add to your steps through everyday movement:

• Avoid sitting for long periods. Break up your day by moving around the house

• Use time on the phone/Zoom to stand or walk around the house as you talk

• Set timers/reminders to get up and move

• Do some exercises in your breaks

• Walk the dog

• Play with the kids

Q. I am spending a tonne of time sitting in Zoom meetings. Can you suggest some cheeky exercises I can do during these meetings, without everyone noticing?

A. I have been in lots of Zoom meetings too! Prolonged sitting is not good for your heart health, so it’s really important to move about whenever you can.

One trick is to alternate between sitting and standing Zoom meetings; just move your computer to a higher piece of furniture for a standing meeting – or use the phone and walk.

You could also switch off the video for a few minutes while you stand up and have a stretch, do some squats and lunges, or even march on the spot. Don’t worry if it feels silly. No one can see you!’

If you can’t turn the video off, then try some of the seated activities that airlines recommend, like circles with your ankles, calf raises and knee lifts.

Outside of Zoom calls we also spend a lot of time sitting at the desk and computer. Taking a break and just getting up and moving about can help you de-stress, clear the mind and re-set.

Q. My kids are usually very active through sport. I have been struggling to find things for them to do to stay active at home. Do you have any ideas that can help me?

A. At the Heart Foundation, we are especially partial to skipping as a great activity for kids. We have been running our Jump Rope for Heart program in Aussie schools for more than 35 years. To help kids stay active at home, we recently launched a series of videos to teach kids about skipping, including tricks like The Criss Cross, The Skier and The Awesome Annie.

You can also look at what your sporting club (or local fitness facility) is offering kids during this time. Many clubs/facilities are getting creative eg emailing sport-specific activity challenges and holding Zoom activity sessions in an effort to keep children engaged and to keep their facility financially viable. Encourage any activity that makes kids “huff and puff”. Remember to make it fun so they buy into it. Some ideas that come to mind:

• Take it outside by playing garden games, such as catch, keep-it-off and handball.

• Try something new. Consider hula hoops or juggling.

• Use retro games like Twister or Hopscotch.

• Throw balls at targets including cans or plastic bottles

• Pop on your kids’ favourite music and see how many cool (or hilarious) dance moves you can come up with.

Q. I really like the muscle-strengthening work I do at the gym. How can I do strength exercises at home when I have no equipment?

A. That’s a great question. Many people don’t realise that muscle-strengthening exercises are important for good health. The Heart Foundation recommends you do these kinds of activities at least two days each week.

Strengthening exercise can be done by using just your own body weight, like push-ups. Or you could add household items as your “dumbbells”. Fill an empty milk container with water or use food cans to do some light lifting, such as bicep curls, squats, lunges and shoulder presses. And you will never see your hallway in the same light again once you start using it for the simple and super exercise of lunges! Start at one end. Stretch one leg forward, bending the knee. Straighten that leg and bring other leg to stand upright. Then stretch the opposite leg forward and bend the knee, and so on. At the end of the hallway, turn around and do it all again, several times if you can. If you are feeling stable, try doing the lunges with your hands on your hips. Or you can do it holding a weight in your hands.

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