‘Shattered’: Desperate act to pay the bills
Australians who are desperate to make ends meet are increasingly crowd sourcing their bills to make sure they get paid on time.
Australians who are desperate to make ends meet are increasingly crowd sourcing their bills to make sure they get paid on time.
An Australian unicorn company once lauded as the next big thing has shed $50 million in the space of a year as tech companies go into meltdown.
The high-flyers are doing what was once unthinkable: slashing staff to boost profits. Even local players are getting in on the act.
The world’s largest tech companies posted record profits only a year ago, but rounds of lay-offs keep coming. Find out why.
UBER is stepping up its political game with a high-powered new hire in David Plouffe, former campaign adviser to Barack Obama.
FIRST they came for the banks — now they’re coming for the telcos. Customers who have paid late fees could soon be in for a big payday.
HE STEPPED down from the top job at Microsoft earlier this year but Steve Ballmer will now officially leave the company so he can run the LA Clippers.
PEOPLE have posted some amazing pictures from all over the world. And now Google has big plans to turn them into an encompassing urban guide.
YAHOO is looking to woo more users into its ecosystem by relaunching its online shopping platform. It wants to take a bite out of a market worth $328 billion.
THE world’s love affair with Candy Crush may well and truly be over. And what does it have to do with Kim Kardashian?
FROM reviving axed TV shows to developing virtual reality, the crowd-funding platform helps people raise serious cash. Hear from the experts how it’s done.
FACEBOOK founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is at the centre of a lawsuit in which it’s alleged he broke a promise.
SAMSUNG and Apple have agreed to end all patent lawsuits between each other outside the U.S. in a step back from three years of legal hostilities.
GOODNESS, the tech world does love to sue each other. As if Samsung wasn’t busy enough defending itself, it’s now got Microsoft going after it.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/business/companies/technology/page/102