

“Let's get the record straight,” roared terminal climate bore Greg Jericho in 2014. “On total emissions, we're coming about 8th or 9th out of 36 nations in the OECD (if you include Russia and the Baltic states).”

Greg Jericho likes sitting on stairs and changing the rules
Greg Jericho likes sitting on stairs and changing the rules

“Let's get the record straight,” roared terminal climate bore Greg Jericho in 2014. “On total emissions, we're coming about 8th or 9th out of 36 nations in the OECD (if you include Russia and the Baltic states).”

Jericho then resorted to the left’s eternal per capita emissions myth:

On a per capita basis, however, we zoom to the top and on a per GDP basis we come in second, above other mining-rich nations such as the US and Canada.

Jericho even provided a graph revealing Australia's shameful per capita criminality:


Climate shriekers have been running that bogus line about Australian per capita emissions for years. But lately our per capita emissions have fallen, as PM Scott Morrison recently informed the ABC.

So Jericho has suddenly decided that per capita is a really stupid way to measure carbon dioxide output:

The prime minister, when asked about the figures on ABC’s Insiders program parroted the inane media release that accompanied the data. Rather than focus on the overall increase in emission, the prime minister boasted that: “We’ve got emissions per capita at the lowest level in 28 years.”

Whoop dee fricken doo …

Not only is it a worthless boast, it says nothing about the impact on the environment. The atmosphere doesn’t react on a per capita basis, it reacts to the total level of CO2 emissions.

I’ve been saying the same thing since at least 2011. A reminder:

If you were the environment, and if you were getting awfully bashed up by carbon emissions, would you worry about whether 1.4 per cent of that scary hurty carbon came from a miniscule fraction of China or the whole of Australia? 

It’s nice that Greg has finally caught up.

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