
Piers Akerman

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Satire is starting to make good sense

ON the morning of the Nice massacre, I walked past Cafe Procope, the oldest restaurant in Paris and a favourite of the great scholar Voltaire, who is wrongly credited with the quote: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Young, wealthy and flirting with disaster

HISTORICALLY, it was always the wealthier, better-educated young men and women at the best of the Western world’s universities who were suckers for socialism. These groups even flirted with Communism as leftist philosophies paralysed intellectual and economic progress across the world.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

We can’t let Mal-aise boost Bill into power

UNLESS there is a dramatic change between now and the July 2 federal election, Australian voters will be presented with a choice between a fairly moderate centrist government led by Malcolm Turnbull and the most left-wing government the nation has ever had the misfortune to suffer under, led by Bill Shorten.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

A sinking feeling over unions’ $50b sub deal

THE decision by the Turnbull government to enter exclusive negotiations with the French-government-owned and French trade union-run company DCNS to design Australia’s new submarine fleet only makes a little sense if there is a secret plan to upgrade the conventionally powered diesel-electric submarines to nuclear power at some future stage.

ABC wasting our time on loudmouth David Hicks

REVOLTING in their arrant hypocrisy, the luvvie crowd — well supported by our ABC — has resoundingly demonstrated its preference for self-confessed terrorist trainee and ­amateur poet David Hicks to good news about the ­release of children from ­immigration detention.

We must save those at most risk

OPPOSITION foreign affairs spokesperson Tanya Plibersek could not utter the word “Christian” yesterday when discussing the range of characteristics that might make a victim out of a person stuck in the Middle East conflict.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Toasting liberties instead of taking them

ALL politics is local and for Australia, that means putting our nearest neighbour Papua New Guinea front and centre. Except we don’t. This year we will give the 40-year-old ­nation $554.5 million in aid which is supposedly linked to three objectives — the first of which is effective governance and the rule of law.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Ruling the right result by any test

COMMISSIONER Dyson Heydon’s reasons for remaining in charge of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption pass the sniff test, the pub test and any other test the frightened rats in corrupt unions and their lackeys in the Labor Party may demand.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Money man Minister Scott Morrison

WITH the accession of Malcolm Turnbull to the prime ministership, “their” ABC and the Fairfax media highlighted congratulatory messages from two quite irrelevant groups, the homosexual lobby and the republican movement, whose combined support could not swing a federal election.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Right to fear the death of councils

THE NSW government is hell-bent on pushing for council amalgamations but bigger is not necessarily better and, beyond the borders of Clover Moore’s absurd fiefdom, many residents want to keep things in local hands, not become part of a giant super council.

Shorten footing Bill for union paymasters

IT’S a safe bet that Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s claim to be “on the side of the angels” in the matter of the China free trade agreement won’t be tested by the ABC’s Fact Check Unit.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

A gaggle of lame ducks

PROMPTED by Twitter twaddle and the indistinguishable and mendacious ramblings of The Sydney Morning Herald, a ­dishevelled group of protesters milled outside The Daily ­Telegraph ­office on Sunday.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

The bitter fruit of failure on refugees

THE body of a small boy lying dead on tideline of a Turkish beach has become the powerful new image of European failure. Failure to take a united stand against Islamist barbarism, failure to abandon a disastrous policy of multiculturalism and failure to reverse its liberal immigration policies.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Crazy decision undermines workers at coal mine

IF workers can’t trust Labor, who can — the answer is the Greens. In an extraordinary betrayal of miners in the Hunter, and those who work the port of Newcastle, the biggest coal-exporting complex in the world, Newcastle Council’s Labor and Green councillors voted to steer the council’s investments away from banks that hold funds in fossil fuel projects.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Stick with your real friends, Joe

TREASURER Joe Hockey lit another exploding cigar when he agreed to join the sorry circus which is the struggling Republican movement. Without consulting Prime Minister Tony Abbott, he accepted an invitation from his friend Peter FitzSimons, a bandanna-wearing media performer who heads this largely irrelevant political force, to become co-convener with former ACT Labor chief minister Senator Katy Gallagher of a new parliamentary friendship group agitating for an Australian head of state.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts

The great shark hunt

LABOR yesterday failed to bring down its nemesis, trade union royal commissioner Dyson Heydon, but the Liberals’ patchwork defence of the former High Court justice was indicative of poor management skills.

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