
Retrial likely for Bradley Peter Cooper, 33, in case of alleged one-punch killing of Darren Young

A jury has been discharged and a retrial will likely be ordered for a Sunshine Coast man charged with killing a fellow pub patron in a one-punch attack.

Bradley Cooper outside the Brisbane Supreme Court. Picture: Liam Kidston
Bradley Cooper outside the Brisbane Supreme Court. Picture: Liam Kidston

A jury has been discharged and a retrial will likely be ordered for a Sunshine Coast man charged with killing a fellow pub patron in a one-punch attack.

Bradley Peter Cooper, 33, pleaded not guilty at the start of his Brisbane Supreme Court trial on Monday to one charge of unlawful striking causing death. He argued it was self-defence.

Crown Prosecutor David Nardone said Cooper allegedly hit a “very drunk” Darren Young, who had been kicked out of the Maroochydore Hotel on the evening of December 18, 2020.

The court heard it would be alleged Mr Young fell backwards and hit his head on the ground. He suffered a fractured skull and brain injuries and died three days later in hospital.

Mr Young was a regular at the Maroochydore Hotel, but he did have a history of drinking to excess and annoying other patrons, according to Mr Nardone.

On the night of his death, Mr Young’s estimated blood-alcohol content was between 0.241 per cent and 0.310 per cent – equating to almost five to six times the legal driving limit.

Cooper and Mr Young did not know each other prior to that night.

The court heard that hotel staff had removed Mr Young from the venue that night, and Cooper took it upon himself to get involved in encouraging him to leave.

It was alleged both Cooper and Mr Young had left the venue and were walking down a nearby road when the alleged attack happened.

Defence barrister Jacob Robson, acting for Cooper, told the court the crucial incident between the men had unfolded in “unpredictable” circumstances.

He said the Crown could not exclude the possibility that his client’s behaviour was reasonable in the circumstances he faced that night.

On Friday afternoon – after more than eight hours of deliberations, which began on Thursday morning – the jury advised they could not reach a unanimous or majority verdict.

Justice Lincoln Crowley accepted, thanked them for their service, and discharged them.

The case is set for a review next Friday, June 16, with Mr Nardone indicating the Crown will “likely” proceed with a retrial.

Cooper will remain free on bail in the meantime.

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