
Relentless stalker jailed over 16-month pursuit of ex-girlfriend

A man who pursued his ex-girlfriend for 16 months used a terrifying method to track her down after she sought refuge for domestic violence victims.

Calls to do more to stop domestic abuse in Australia

The victim of a relentless stalker who pursued a woman for 16 months after they broke up, sending thousands of messages, repeatedly arriving at her home and sending gifts, has revealed the devastating impact of the offending.

The woman bravely read a victim impact statement at the offender’s sentencing in the Brisbane District Court on Wednesday, saying the crime had left her with debilitating anxiety and severely impacted her ability to enjoy life, connect with friends and family and work.

The man stalked his ex-girlfriend over two separate periods across five months to November 2020 and, after a reconciliation failed, for another 11 months to August 2022, all in violation of a domestic violence protection order.

The offender, now aged 32, relentlessly stalked the woman during the offending periods, including using her PayPal account still logged in on his computer to find out her new address after she had sought emergency accommodation for domestic violence victims.

On that occasion he delivered food to her house and on other dates he took her seashells, chocolates and flowers.

The woman, aged 26 to 28 at the time of the offending, repeatedly asked the man to desist with his communications, blocking his phone number and social media accounts but he would create new accounts to continue pursuing contact.

Crown Prosecutor Emily McGregor read one text message exchange in which the victim wrote “ … I am very, very serious you are not staying with me, do not approach anywhere that you think I am living”, to which the man replied “stop me”.

The victim made a statement to the court, detailing how the offending had impacted her life, saying she lived in a state of exhausting hypervigilance.

“The stress, worry and concern that resulted in feeling that my safety and privacy had been violated was overwhelming,” she said.

“I feel like I am missing out on living life to its fullest potential...

“It hurts to say I still struggle to trust those closest to me, because I should have felt safe in the relationship with the person I chose to be my partner.”

She said the incidents had restricted her ability to work and that the bulk of her income was spent on merely surviving in paying for rent and medication.

“My anxiety has been so pervasive that I can no longer manage with just therapy, a healthy lifestyle and turning to friends and family for support,” she said.

“It is really frustrating that I need to dedicate so much of my time and energy to my recovery from this.”

Defence barrister Damien Gates said the offending occurred in the context of his client being “in a panic” about having no consistent accommodation, income or family supports, and against a backdrop of significant mental health issues.

“He is regretful and remorseful for his offending,” Mr Gates said.

The court heard the man had a disturbing criminal history which included multiple domestic violence offences perpetrated against a number of complainants.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful stalking and one of contravening a domestic violence order before Judge Amanda McDonnell.

Judge McDonnell sentenced the man to two-and-a-half years’ imprisonment with parole release on November 5, taking into account 245 days he has already spent in custody.

A five-year restraining order was also imposed in an attempt to prevent him contacting the victim upon his release.

“You harassed and intimidated the complainant for extended periods of time despite her asking you to stop,” the judge said.

“This is serious offending. Whilst it is said this conduct was not intended to harm I accept it has harmed the complainant, she was fearful.”

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